What is the difference between active, inactive, and locked users in SDD 4.x?
All accounts have a status of active or inactive. An account can also be locked.
When an account is locked, the user is not able to log in and the account needs to be unlocked by an administrator. An account is automatically locked if the user exceeds the number of allowable login attempts. An administrator can also lock a user’s account by editing the user information under Administration --> Users. When an account is locked, there are no changes made to the account. However it is not accessible to the user until it is unlocked.
A user is not able to log into an inactive account. When an account is inactivated, the userid is removed from all groups which the userid was assigned to. When the account is activated again by the administrator, the userid must be reassigned to the necessary groups.
It is possible for an administrator to manually activate and inactivate an account. It is also possible for the adminstrator to set a date range for the account, such that the account is active on the "Start Date" and becomes inactive on the "Expiration Date".