Sorry, not my expertise but some crafty searches (including SAS OnlineDoc):
Topic: odds ratios or odds ratio estimates
SAS OnlineDoc - What's new in SAS/STAT 9.0 and 9.1 mentions:
The SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure performs logistic regression on data that arise from a survey sampling scheme. PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC incorporates complex survey sample designs, including designs with stratification, clustering, and unequal weighting, in its estimation process. Variances of the regression parameters and odds ratios are computed using a Taylor expansion approximation. The SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure is similar in syntax to the LOGISTIC procedure, and it can fit link functions such as the logit, cumulative logit, generalized logit, probit, and complementary log-log functions. Maximum likelihood estimation of the regression coefficients is carried out with either the Fisher-scoring algorithm or the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
Google advanced search against SAS.COM - use this argument to find related matches, some of what are not 9.2 related, including the SUGI/SGF paper link:
+"odds ratio" +9.1.3
U.S. Health and Nutrition: SAS® Survey Procedures and NHANES
Usage Note 30333: FASTats: Frequently Asked-For Statistics