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RepTik Analytics Solution - Healthcare & other industries

Started ‎03-23-2022 by
Modified ‎09-15-2022 by
Views 2,825
One Click and VoilaOne Click and Voila
Team Name RepTik - One-Click Report Automation
Track Healthcare & other industries
Use Case

RepTik - Help data analysts avoid brute force table & report programming with a scalable, flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use breakthrough technology.


For the last 30+ years until now, majority customized data analysis and reporting processes (e.g. healthcare clinical trial studies) are using brute force programming to generate reports. They have multiple longstanding pain points including tedious efforts on lateral activities like whole table layout programming, template/ format programming, and manual edits. The SAS DDE approach can bring great benefits across efficiency, flexibility, and easiness to learn & use to our daily jobs, however, is only applicable to SAS PC and Excel and is unsecure/unstable.


We want to harness DDE-like effects and benefits for easy reporting and further extend the effect to other platforms and file formats. We want to create such a common reporting approach like DDE, and make it available across different computing platforms (e.g. SAS PC, SAS Viya, and R, etc.) and across different reporting formats (e.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.), which handles not only text and numeric results but also graphs and images, and which is more secure/stable.


In this way, we can eliminate (not just reduce!) those tedious lateral activities and maximize the benefits across efficiency, flexibility, extendibility, and easiness to learn & use, for analysis and reporting in different industries. 

Technology SAS Macros and a patent pending technology
Region EMEA
Team lead Ming Zou (Bravez)
Team members @Bravez , @SigmaZ 
Social media handles

Ming Zou - MD, PhD | LinkedIn

Is your team interested in participating in an interview? Y
Optional: Expand on your technology expertise  


Pitch video:


Jury video: 



I really look forward to seeing what comes out of your participation in the Hackaton @Bravez @SigmaZ !

@CJBeale, thank you for your interest! 

Hi all, we just launched our project website - 

Version history
Last update:
‎09-15-2022 12:40 AM
Updated by:


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