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How SAS® 9.x Enriches Your SAS® Programmer Life

Started ‎03-15-2021 by
Modified ‎05-11-2021 by
Views 1,902
Paper 1041-2021

Angelo Tinazzi, 

Cytel Inc.





SAS(r)9 is the longest-running version as it was first released in 2002, with its last technical maintenance release last summer (SAS 9.4 M7). In this presentation, I will go through some of the main Base SAS language enrichments you might have missed. For example, new functions to handle character variables, new DATA step options and new macro features. The focus will be on improvements that make work life better for me and every other SAS programmer.


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Watch How SAS® 9.x Enriches Your SAS® Programmer Life on the SAS Users YouTube channel.




With this paper, I like to go through some of the major SAS/BASE programming language improvements introduced by SAS 9 some of you might have missed. The emphasis will be mainly on changes or addition that made, in my opinion, my and every SAS programmer life, a better and happier programmer life.



The first SAS version it was released almost 50 years ago (figure 1). Since then, what was called Statistical Analysis System, became an analytics platform supporting a wide range business


The first versions of SAS were named after the year in which they were released. SAS 71 was published as a limited release; it was used only on IBM mainframes and had the main elements of SAS programming, such as the DATA step and the most common procedures in the PROC step. The following year a full version was released as SAS 72, which introduced the MERGE statement and added features for handling missing data or combining data sets.


Version 5 introduced a complete macro language, array subscripts, and a full-screen interactive user interface called Display Manager. In 1985 SAS was re-written in the C programming language; this allowed for the SAS' Multivendor Architecture that allows the software to run on UNIX, MS-DOS, and Windows. It was previously written in PL/I, Fortran, and assembly language.


Among the versions I had the pleasure to use, I like to mention the following:


  • the first version on Windows platforms in early ‘90
  • the availability of ODS in SAS 8 making a great enhancement for reporting
  • the first SAS 9 released in 2002 making SAS 9 the longest-running version
  • the latest version released in 2013, the SAS 9.4, with maintenance 7 being the latest technical maintenance released last August

Moreover, starting with version 9.3 SAS started to also versioning the SAS/STAT module. For example, with the last SAS 9.4m7, 15.12 is the version of the SAS/STAT module.

Myself, I started a while go on VMS operating system where I did learnt SAS on version 5.





Very likely, most if not all companies, are now running SAS 9.4 probably on different maintenances. If not, the following graph from a very popular SAS blog ( could help you understanding how old and eventually how obsolete it is the SAS version you are currently running.




At Cytel for example we are using the second-last released maintenance, the m6. If you want to check which version and maintenance you are currently running, you can check your SAS log when you start SAS or you can submit a PROC SETINIT.





The first SAS version it was released almost 50 years ago. Since then, what was called Statistical Analysis System, became an analytics platform supporting a wide range business.



One of the thing I like more when a new SAS version is available is the availability of new functions.


These functions can improve the efficiency of your programs; things that may be before you were doing by developing either your own macros or by combining several functions and statements to get the desired outcome, became very often in the new release a function. The example I like more is the MEDIAN function that surprisingly was not available until SAS 9.


New character functions, search and compare character strings in addition to concatenating character strings, have been added in SAS 9; also, new functions that were usually available in other language/procedure like the COALESCE in PROC SQL are now available for use in the DATA step. Moreover, the entire family of the “V functions” or you have now a set of functions where you can better search for text patterns including counting occurrences, for example with the COUNT function.


The CAT Functions

Are programmers still using TRIM or LEFT or concatenation string? There is nothing wrong with it, but the code might be quite difficult to read when you need to concatenate several strings/variables. Now, with SAS 9 with the family of CAT functions, in particular the CATX function, not only you can shorten the code, you can also automatically eliminate redundant delimiters. Moreover, numeric variables are by default converted to a string (BEST12 format) without a NOTE in the log. The following table summarizes the functioning of some of the main character stings





Remove leading blank


Remove trailing blank


Combine TRIM and LEFT


Concatenate string. Equivalent to !! or ¦¦


STRIPs both leading and trailing blanks, and does not insert separators


STRIPs both leading and trailing blanks, and inserts separators. The first argument to CATX specifies the separator


ANY and NOT Functions

The family of ANY functions, and their opposite NOT functions, could facilitate your code in detecting if a string contains a ‘family’ of characters i.e. any alphabetic characters as in the in the case of the function ANYALPHA or use the ANYUPPER function to check if a string contains a capitalized letter. See here an example.




With SAS 9

if LBORRES ne ‘’ and not(ANYALPHA(LBORRES)) and    
                 not not(ANYSPACE(strip(LBORRES))) and
                 indexc(LBORRES, ‘<>+-‘) eq 0 then …..

Before SAS 9

if LBORRES ne ‘’ and indexc(upcase(LBORRES),
   eq 0 then ....





The IFC function, and its numeric version, provides a convenient way to package conditional logic right into a function. The function accept a logical expression as its first parameter:

  • If the logical expression evaluates to true, it returns the value of the second argument
  • If the logical expression evaluates to false, it returns the value of the third argument
  • If the logical expression is missing, it can return the value of the optional fourth argument.

For example, assumes you want to create a Boolean variable to identify ‘white’ subjects to use in your regression statistical model, you can use the IFN function as follows:








Two CHOOSEC function (and CHOOSEN) can also shorten lengthy line of codes. From the example provided by G. Kesireddi, supposed you want to assign to the ADaM variable APERIODC a value based on the value of the variable APERIOD. With the traditional IF/THEN/ELSE IF statements, you would have coded as follows:




else APERIODC='';

/*-->Can be replaced by the following*/




Essentially the CHOOSEC function returns a character value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments, so to each of the value of the first integer argument, APERIOD, is assigned the equivalent value from the list of specified selected arguments: 1='INDUCTION', 2='MAINTENANCE' and 3='TREATMENT'.

The WHICHC function and its numeric equivalent WHICHN function, returns instead the position within a list of arguments from the result of an expression. For example, let revert the previous example and suppose we want, based on the value of APERIODC, assign an integer value to APERIOD








APERIOD will be equivalent to 1 if APERIODC is ‘INDUCTION’, 2 if equivalent to ‘MAINTENANCE’ and 3 if equivalent to ‘TREATMENT’, Null otherwise.



The INDEX function, was historically used to search for a string occurrence in a string. With SAS 9 two functions have been added to either find specific position of occurrence, the FIND function, or to count the number of occurrences of a string in a character variable, the COUNT function. See the following example:




data _null_;
  str=’abc abc abc’;       
  ind=index(str,’abc’);    /*1 (position 1st occurrence)*/
  fnd1=find(str,’abc’);    /*1 (position 1st occurrence)*/
  fnd2=find(str,’abc’,4);  /*5 (position 2nd occurrence)*/
  cnt=count(str,’abc’);    /*3 (nr of occurrences)*/





The COALESCE function (and COALESCEC for character variables) works same as the COALESCE function available in PROC SQL as it takes the value of the first non-missing ‘argument’ in the list of variables specified.




/*With SAS 9*/
htBL=COALESCE(of htbl3-htbl1);

/*Before SAS 9*/
if htbl3 ne . Then htBL=htbl3;
Else if htbl2 ne . Then htBL=htbl2;
Else if htbl1 ne . Then htBL=htbl1;




The V Functions

The family of V functions allows programmers to query variable attributes within the data step without having to “hard code” the information in the code or without having to do a preliminary step to incorporate data from PROC CONTENTS for example.

In the following example, assume you have some variables with an assigned user format to denote the meaning of the numeric code, you can automatically create, using also an array, a set of variables containing the decoded version by dynamically query the format attribute using the VFORMAT function.




data demo_decode;
  set demo;
  array ORIGvar   (2)   racen sexn;
  array DECODEvar (2) $ race  sex;  
  do i=1 to 2;
     DECODEvar(i)=putn(ORIGvar(i), VFORMAT(ORIGvar(i)));




Of note the DECODEvar(s) assignment can be also shorten with the use of the VVALUE function








New Numeric / Stats Functions

There are also several new descriptive statistics and mathematical functions. An example are the MEDIAN and the GEOMEAN functions, to calculate the median or geometric mean respectively, which were not available prior to version 9; or the LARGEST function where you can specify for example you want to get the second largest values of among several values.




/*Before SAS 9*/
Array? Transpose? SET BY?

/*With SAS 9*/
LARGEST(2,of sf1-sf4,sf8);




Functions Modifiers

Another nice feature with SAS functions, which I think added in SAS 9.1, is the ability of using the “function modifiers”, as an additional argument to modify the normal behaviour of a SAS function. It is the case for example of the COMPRESS function, a function historically used to remove all spaces from a string. The function now, not only accept a second argument where you can specify the list of characters you want to remove or compress, but you can through the third argument, the modifier, specify an entire set of ‘family’ of characters to remove. In the following example, the ‘p’ modifier in the compress function will remove all punctuations from the specified string.








Other “COOL” improvements and options

Among new syntax features added in SAS 9, I like the use of some sort of shortcuts.

One example is the use of a colons (:) in the SET command in SAS 9.2, where you can use the colons as a wildcard to set all datasets starting with the same prefix, like shown in the following example where all SDTM supplemental qualifier datasets are set together


set supp:;


Or a range of datasets using the ‘-‘


set lb1 - lb50


The IN Boolean operator now allows some shortcut such as the specification of a range of values. For example


IN(2 3 5:10)


if used it will be true when the variable or expression will be equal to 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10.


SAS 9.2 also introduced new formats and informats, such as E8601DT and E8601DA, to support ISO 8061 standard format for date, time and intervals required in CDISC.


The HASH Objects

The addition of the HASH objects in SAS 9.1 represents a great feature for lookup facilities, especially when you have to deal with big datasets; this is because the HASH objects are the first in-memory data structure accessible from the DATA step.

For example, I did a test to compare the use of HASH objects against two traditional alternatives in SAS to search and extract from a large dataset e.g. 20 millions of records. In the following table, you can see from the simple test how fast are the HASH objects compared for example to an SQL or the traditional MERGE statement.


SQL [~23 seconds]

MERGE [~36 seconds]

HASH [~14 seconds]

proc sql noprint;

  create table SQL_ as

    select *

    from lb

    where lbtestcd in

     (select distinct   

      lbtestcd from LB 

      where lbtoxgr>0);








proc sql noprint;

  create table grades as

    select distinct lbtestcd

    from LB(where=(lbtoxgr>0));


proc sort data=LB out=LB_sort;

  by lbtestcd;


data MERGE_;

  merge LB_sort

        grades (in=ingr);

  by lbtestcd;

  if ingr;



data HASH_;

  if _n_=1 then do;

     dcl hash g(dataset:"LB(where=(lbtoxgr>0))");




  set LB;

  if g.find()=0;









However, in my opinion this technique should be used at your own risk especially if the code has to be understood by a reviewer in the event your code is part of a submission package, given the fact the use of HASH objects requires the use of some, let me say, non-traditional SAS syntax as highlighted in the above example.


The Perl Regular Expressions

The Perl Regular expressions added in SAS 9, although very similar SAS regular expressions were available in earlier versions, are a very powerful technique for advanced “string pattern search”. Many of this string processing tasks can be achieved using the traditional character functions, but the Perl regular expressions provide a more compact and efficient solution.


For example, you could write a regular expression to look for four digits, a dash, two digits, again a dash, followed by two digits, to check if a date variable in an SDTM dataset is a complete date and in ISO format before converting it into a SAS date. See here the equivalent code.


if PRXMATCH("/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/o", aestdtc)=1 then 
   asdt = input(substr(aestdtc,1,10),yymmdd10.);



Let's have now have a look at some new cool stuff available now in the macro language.


Use of %IF/%THEN in open code

The first one worth to mention is a relatively new one as it became available with one of the latest maintenance, the SAS 9.4 maintenance 5 and, as I previously mentioned, depending on your company policy regarding software update, it could be that you have earlier version installed at your site and therefore this functionality will not work. This is about the ability of running the %IF/%THEN macro statements in open code, so outside the %MACRO%MEND wrapper. This could be very useful in situations like where you want your SAS code conditionally executed depending on the occurrence of a specific event.


See the following example where, before making the PROC MEANS, I wanted to make sure the dataset ADLB exists, for example if a previous part of code is ended with an error and therefore the ADLB not generated.


%if %sysfunc(exist(work.adlb)) %then %do; 
    proc means data=work.adlb; 
%else %do; 
    %PUT WARNING: Missing WORK.ADLB - Please check; 


There are however few limitations. For example, your %IF/%THEN must be followed by a %DO/%END block for the statements that you want to conditionally execute and the same is true for any statement that follow the optional %ELSE branch of the condition.


Furthermore, you cannot have any nesting of multiple %IF/%THEN constructs. If you need that flexibility, you can do that within a %MACRO wrapper instead.


New IN Boolean Operator

Another interesting improvement in SAS macro in SAS 9, it is the availability of the IN boolean operator.

For example, suppose you want to check in your macro if the user has correctly specified a required parameter, meaning that the selected parameter has a valid and expected value. Prior to SAS 9 you would need to check each individual possible values with an OR operator, while now with SAS 9 you can make use of the IN operator and therefore shorten your code. See the following example.


/*Before SAS 9*/
%macro mymacro(option=);
  %if &option eq DEBUG or &option eq STORE or 
      &option eq REPORT %then ...

/*With SAS 9*/
macro mymacro(option=)/ minoperator mindelimiter=’,’;
  %if &option IN(DEBUG,STORE,REPORT) %then ...


New Macro Functions

The following three macros functions became available in SAS 9:

  • The %SYMEXIST function returns an indication of the existence of a macro variable
  • The %SYMGLOBL function returns an indication as to whether a macro variable is global in scope
  • The %SYMLOCAL function returns an indication as to whether a macro variable is local in scope


New Alternatives to Macro and Programming Techniques

There are now several alternatives to macro in SAS 9 that let you chose among more advanced technologies for problem solving and data manipulation. The following table lists some of these new technologies (see also references at the end of the paper).






[SAS 9.2]


To create user functions/call routines





[SAS 9.3]


Java syntax compatible object-oriented programming




[SAS 9.4]


SAS proprietary object-oriented programming language

For advanced problem solving and data manipulation



[SAS 9.4]


Lua Language.

This could also expand SAS functionalities for application development to overcome SAS macro limitations for example




This is not really an alternative to SAS macro language, but introduced with SAS version 9.3M2, with the DOSUBL function you have now the “power” to submit code to SAS and wait for that code to complete submission. That way you can now execute a DATA step inside of another DATA step or write “function-style” macros executing complete SAS language statements; that was not possible with traditional SAS macro programming. This is now possible because the DOSUBL submit SAS code to run “on the side” while your SAS DATA step is still running as well explained by McMullen at SAS Global Forum 2020. This “behaviour” distinguish the DOSUBL function from another yet powerful technique that allow the writing of dynamic code within a DATA step, the CALL EXECUTE.


One of the limitation of the CALL EXEUCUTE was that the code cannot be executed until after that DATA step that invoked CALL EXECUTE has completed. The classic example to compare DOSUBL function vs CALL EXECUTE it is reported in the below two examples taken from the paper of Langston.


In the first example, the PUT statement in the DATA step does not resolve to ‘a’ as someone might think, giving the fact the value ‘a’ is passed as a parameter to the %doit macro. However, since the macro %doit is executed after the end of the DATA step, the macro variable ‘xyz’ used in the PUT statement is resolved to ‘q’, that was the value assigned to the macro variable ‘xyz’ with the %LET statement prior to the DATA step containing the CALL EXECUTE statement.


%macro doit(value);
  data _null_;
    call symput('xyz',"&value.");
%mend doit;
%let xyz=q;
data _null_;
  call execute('%doit(a)');
  xyz_value = symget('xyz');
  put xyz_value=;


On the contrary, with the use of the DOSUBL function the macro variable ‘xyz’  used in the SYMGET function in the DATA step, get resolved to the value resolved by the CALL SYMPUT executed inside the %doit macro and executed in the DATA step prior to the SYMGET function.


%macro doit(value);
  data _null_;
    call symput('xyz',"&value.");
%mend doit;
%let xyz=q;
data _null_;
  rc = dosubl('%doit(b)');
  xyz_value = symget('xyz');
  put xyz_value=;


To give you another example, let’s consider a situation where we want to create a dataset containing some summary statistics, the rate, on the occurrence of a specific event under different condition, for example the clinical trial arm and the study population assigned. I would need two macro, one for extracting the denominator


%macro getDen(in=,where=);
  %local rc den;
  %let den=0;
  %let rc=%sysfunc(dosubl(%nrstr(
    proc sql noprint;
      select count(*) into :den from &in where &where;
%mend getDen;


and one for extracting the numerator e.g. the occurrence of a specific condition


%macro getCount(in=,where=);
  %local rc count;
  %let count=0;
  %let rc=%sysfunc(dosubl(%nrstr(
    proc sql noprint;
      select count(*) into :count from &in where &where;
%mend getCount;


The DOSUBL syntax in this examples when used in a SAS macro it simply the DOSUBL function, followed by a combination of SAS code, either macro function or data and proc steps.


The core of the two macros is the PROC SQL and the return of a specific parameter.


I will then need to call the two macros several time to build my eventPop dataset that will contain one record per each level of summarization. The pct variable will contain the proportion or % of subjects having the death event on each specific subset.


The variable containing the % will need first to get the number of subjects with that particular condition, for example number of subject dying in treatment arm in ALL population and the denominator on which the % will be calculated. You can note from the full example below that the call of the two macros is equivalent to call two separate PROC SQL per pct calculation, and this is while the data step is still running. The result of the two proc sql from each of the two macros call is then given back to the data step to complete the calculation of the pct variable.


data eventPop;
  length pop $3 arm $10;
  /*Event in ALL Pop*/
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=all eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=all eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt') ) *100;
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=all eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=all eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo') ) *100;
  /*Event in SAF Pop*/
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=saf eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=saf eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt') ) *100;
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=saf eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=saf eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo') ) *100;
  /*Event in EFF Pop*/
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=eff eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=eff eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Trt') ) *100;
      pct=( %getCount(in=adeff,where=eff eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo' and event='Dead') / %getDen(in=adsl,where=eff eq 'Y' and arm eq 'Placebo') ) *100;
    format pct 8.1;


The resulting dataset will have one record per each study arm per each study population.





There are many others enhancements available in SAS/BASE I did not cover in this paper. I have for example in mind all the new ODS destinations and functionalities added in SAS 9 together with ODS graphics or the improved integration with Ms Office applications and of course the many new or improved procedures. I have also not covered the SAS programming cloud revolution introduced by SAS VIYA, but unfortunately I am not yet a SAS VIYA user.


I would also like to reference a nice resource to, not only challenge your skills, but also update your SAS skills: the Sasensei website ( This is a free question based learning system and it was very helpful for refreshing my SAS skillsets and great source of inspiration for this paper.



  1. Let the CAT Out of the Bag: String Concatenation in SAS® 9 – J. Horstman; SCSUG 2016
  2. Fifteen Functions to Supercharge Your SAS® Code - J. Horstman; WUSS 2017
  3. Efficient Coding Techniques In SAS – G. Kesireddi; PHUSE 2017
  4. ‘V’ for … Variable Information Functions to the Rescue – R. Watson and K. Miller; MWSUG 2015
  5. ISO 8601 and SAS®: A Practical Approach – D. Morgan; PharmaSUG 2017
  6. Innovative Clinical Programming Methods - R. Allen; PharmaSUG-China 2019
  7. Data Management Solutions Using SAS HASH Table Operations – P. Dorfman and Don Enderson; 2018 [Book]
  8. Four steps to get a quick start with Perl Regular Expressions in SAS® – Q. Ni, P. Burmenko;  PharmaSUG-China 2019
  9. An Introduction to Perl Regular Expressions in SAS 9 – R. Cody and R. Wood; SUGI 29
  10. PROC FCMP or Function you Create, Master and Proceed – I. Boyko – PHUSE 2020
  11. A GROOVY way to enhance your SAS life – K. Kennedy – PHUSE 2019
  12. Expansion of Opportunities in Programming: DS2 Features and Examples of Usage Object Oriented Programming in SAS® – S. Voievutkyi – PharmaSUG 2017
  13. Driving SAS® with Lua – P. Tomas – SAS GLOBAL FORUM 2015
  14. A Close Look at How DOSUBL Handles Macro Variable Scope – Q. McMullen - SAS Global Forum 2020
  15. Submitting SAS® Code On The Side – R. Langston; SUGI 2013
  16. Exploring SAS®  Viya® Programming and Data Management – SAS Institute – 2019 (
  17. Coding in SAS® Viya® - C. Shankar- SAS Global Forum 2020



  1. SAS Functions by Examples – R. Cody – Second Edition 2010 [Book]
  2. Modernizing Legacy SAS® Applications and Program Code KP. Lafler and C. Roberts; SCSUG 2017
  3. Comparing 6 Techniques To Do Data Driven Programming – J. Derks – PhUSE 2017
  4. Unstructured Data Analysis - K.M. Windham [Book]


Thank you for writing this great paper!

I am going to recommend it to several colleagues.

Best wishes,



Nice presentation.  It brought back many experiences working with SAS in consumer lending industry since 1986.  Lot of great new functions presented in your paper.



Jonas Bilenas

Thank you, Angelo.  I learned a few new tricks today.


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‎05-11-2021 01:21 PM
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