I started reading the conference posters really at SAS Global Forum 2013 in San Francisco. I liked the complete presentation of experiments I read and SAS techniques and multimedia. It was easy to study these at my own pace. The next year in 2014 in Washington my paper submissions became e-posters.
In one paper meant to show automatic writing of software with SAS, I used SAS to write software code for the music typewriting software Lilypond. Music has many repetitive patterns in this case I looped in SAS through all the 12 keys of music writing musical sequences. I decided to include the music files in the e-poster. It worked although the volume was difficult in the noisy presentation area.
E-posters work well for software presentation or code displays. My music paper had a few pages of code as did my other e-poster that year. A path in the e-posters Powerpoint slides would present each section of code on its own.
This year I hope to present the PERL functions one can use in SAS. I will probably have a series of slides to display an example of each PERL function. I really enjoy feedback on my e-posters from conference attendees. I hope you can come by and read my e-poster this year and let me know how I did presenting PERL in SAS.
You can read my posters and papers on this link
Peter"s Papers and Presentations at SAS Global Forums