I am running this sort of code (the data set is proprietary, so I can't give it)
title "Time series output to make graphs of seasonally adjusted";
proc timeseries data = cohort outdecomp = upg;
id event_mth interval=month;
decomp orig tcc sc ic sa/mode=mult;
var upg;
where cohort = "&date"d;
For some cohorts and some event_mth , SA and other decomposition variables are missing. Why could this happen?
Hello -
On behalf of Technical Support:
"The reason why the Seasonal Component and the Seasonally-Adjusted series are missing could be releated to no non-missing Seasonal-Irregular component (SIC) values associated in your data. The Seasonal Component is computed as the average of the SIC for a given seasonal period. (Details on the computation of each of the components can be found here: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/etsug/68148/HTML/default/viewer.htm#etsug_timeseries_det...)"
Technical Support has also created an example to illustrate this point further:
data test;
set sashelp.air(where=('01dec1958'd <= date <='01oct1960'd));
proc timeseries data = test outdecomp = out;
id date interval=month;
decomp orig tcc sic sc ic sa/mode=mult;
var air;
proc expand data=test out=expandout method=none;
id date;
convert air=tc / transformout=( cd_tc 12 );
convert air=my_tc / transformout=(cmovave 12 movave 2 trim 6);
convert air=s / transformout=( cd_s 12 );
convert air=i / transformout=( cd_i 12 );
convert air=sa / transformout=( cd_sa 12 );
proc print data=out;
proc print data=expandout;
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