I am using SAS EG 5.1. where 3 different server defined (server1 to server3). under each defined server i have log files under specific dir path.
server1 (dir path=w:\woo\market_log) - have 10 log files
server2 (dir path=w:\woo\business_log) - have 5 log fiels
server2 (dir path=w:\woo\finance_log) - have 15 log fiels
can i use below code (online code to check for errors and warning and other info) to grab all 3 dir path logs from 3 different server at once OR i must have to run below code 3 times one by one by selecting each and every server (server1 to server3) ?
********online code***************;
%macro scanlog (path=);
options nodate nonumber noxwait;
%let path=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&path,/,\));
** Delete the previous version **;
x(del &path\files.txt);
** Output the list of files to a temporary location **;
x(dir /b &path\*.log >> &path\files.txt);
** Initialize the macro variables **;
%let totfile=;
%let totobs=;
** Get the total number of files and file names **;
data _null_;
infile "&path\files.txt" dsd dlm='09'x truncover;
input name $40.;
call symput('totfile',trim(left(put(_n_,8.))));
call symput('file'||trim(left(put(_n_,8.))),trim(left(name)));
%do i=1 %to &totfile;
data files;
infile "&path\&&file&i" dsd dlm='09'x truncover;
input line $200.;
length filenm $40.;
if index(line,'fatal') then cnt1+1;
if substr(line,1,5)='ERROR' then cnt2+1;
if substr(line,1,7)='WARNING' then cnt3+1;
if index(line,'uninitialized') then cnt4+1;
if index(line,'MERGE statement has more than') then cnt5+1;
if index(line,'values have been converted') then cnt6+1;
if index(line,'Note: Missing') then cnt7+1;
if index(line,'Note: Invalid argument') then cnt8+1;
if index(line,'W.D format was too small') then cnt9+1;
if index(line,'has 0 observations') then cnt10+1;
if index(line,'variables not in') then cnt11+1;
if index(line,'variables have conflicting') then cnt12+1;
if index(line,'unequal') then cnt13+1;
if index(line,'Division by zero detected') then cnt14+1;
if index(line,'operations could not be performed') then cnt15+1;
if index(line,'duplicate key values were deleted') then cnt16+1;
proc univariate data=files noprint;
by filenm;
var cnt1-cnt16;
output out=stat1 max=max1-max16;
proc transpose data=stat1 out=stat2(where=(col1>0));
by filenm;
var max1-max16;
data final;
set %if &i>1 %then %do; final %end; stat2;
%if &i=&totfile %then %do;
length desc $100.;
if lowcase(_name_)='max1' then desc='fatal';
if lowcase(_name_)='max2' then desc='ERROR';
if lowcase(_name_)='max3' then desc='WARNING:';
if lowcase(_name_)='max4' then desc='uninitialized';
if lowcase(_name_)='max5' then
desc='Merge statement has more than one data set with repeats
of BY values';
if lowcase(_name_)='max6' then
desc='values have been converted';
if lowcase(_name_)='max7' then desc='Note: Missing';
if lowcase(_name_)='max8' then desc='Note: Invalid argument';
if lowcase(_name_)='max9' then desc='W.D format was too small';
if lowcase(_name_)='max10' then desc='has 0 observations';
if lowcase(_name_)='max11' then desc='variables not in';
if lowcase(_name_)='max12' then
desc='variables have conflicting attributes';
if lowcase(_name_)='max13' then desc='unequal';
if lowcase(_name_)='max14' then
desc='Division by zero detected';
if lowcase(_name_)='max15' then
desc='Mathematical operation could not be performed';
if lowcase(_name_)='max16' then
desc='observations with duplicate key values were deleted';
drop _name_ _label_;
** Get the total number of occurrences of unwanted messages **;
data _null_;
set final nobs=last;
if last then call symput('totobs',trim(left(put(_n_,8.))));
** Final output **;
ods listing close;
ods noresults;
ods html file="&path\scanlog.html";
title1 "Summary of Log Files";
title2 "&path folder";
%if &totobs=0 %then %do;
data _null_;
file print;
put "============================";
put "*** NO BAD GUYS!!! FOUND ***";
put "============================";
%else %do;
proc report data=final headline headskip split='|' missing nowd;
columns filenm col1 desc;
define filenm / order order=data
style(header)=[just=left] 'File';
define col1 / style(column)=[cellwidth=1in]
center 'n' format=3.;
define desc / style(column)=[cellwidth=5.5in]
style(header)=[just=left] 'Description';
compute before filenm;
line ' ';
%mend scanlog;
Use the filevar option with the input statement SAS(R) 9.3 Statements: Reference
This depends on your storage setup.
If w:\ is a shared network drive and all the subdirs are visible to a single client (one of your workspace servers), then you can run the logcheck from there.
If w: is actually local to each server, or policies prevent (eg) server1 from accessing business_log or finance_log, then you need to run the jobs separately.
thank you Jaap and Kurt...
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