Actually, I think it was PARMCARDS or SYSPARM or something like that for your JCL. And then that only SENT the parms to the Global Symbol Table...when your program started, if you only sent one value via the SYSPARM, you were OK just using &SYSPARM. But if you sent more than one value on your jobcard, then you had to split up the SYSPARM or PARMCARD into pieces.
But, my memory must not be quite right. I see in the documentation that SYSPARM is for UNIX and that PARMCARDS seems to be for z/OS. I do not have the documentation for MVS, so I don't actually know which one worked for MVS, or how it worked.
You could try this:
** write parameter value to LOG;
%put the parameter is: &SYSPARM;
** use parameter value in title;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
I got the above syntax from this 2005 paper:
BUT, there's a different syntax here:
http://www.caliberdt.com/tips/Jul2005.htm and I don't have an MVS system to test on.
Your best bet for help would be to contact Tech Support for specific assistance with MVS and JCL and how to go about passing parameters to SAS.