I found out that I want to Change the Encoding of a dataview instead of a dataset.
So I think one way would be to create a new dataset with the data view and then use the following code.
Is there another way I could accomplish my Task?
I tried to Change the Encoding from latin9 to utf-8 with the CVP engine in the following way:
libname lib_in "&PROJ_ROOT./data" outencoding='UTF-8';
%LET remo=dab01.pb.com 8741;
options comamid=tcp;
options remote=remo;
options notes nomlogic nomprint linesize=120 compress=binary;
options netencryptalgorithm=SASPROPRIETARY;
signon cmacvar=signon_status user=username password="pwd";
libname dab cvp '/data/hist' access=readonly;
libname dab slibref=dab server=remo;
proc datasets nolist;
copy in=dab out=lib_in override=(encoding=session outrep=session);
WARNING: Input library DAB is empty
However, once I delete the cvp part in my libname it works again (without Encoding changes). Help is much appreciated.