So in general I am working on macro which has one parameter - name of ETL(DI studio Job) , and as result this macro must create table with list of source to this ETL tables.
For all this goals I use proc metadata and I've almost finished, but one issue appears - name of table in General tab of property menu can be different from real table name which can be find in "Phisical storage" tab.
Shortly about how it works- I create XML tamplate with appropritate structure and give it to proc metadata as parameter, and as result creates result XML file which consists of all needed data:
filename in "&workPath\in.xml";
filename out "&workPath\result.xml";
data _null_;
file in;
put '
put 'Job';
put 'SAS';
put '';
put '404';
put '';
put "%bquote()";
put '';
proc metadata
After this I create XMLMap for getting source tables info,It looks like this:
filename xmlMap "&workPath\xmlMap.xml";
data _null_;
file xmlMap;
put '';
put '';
put '';
put '//Job/JobActivities/TransformationActivity/Steps/TransformationStep/Transformations/ClassifierMap/ClassifierSources/PhysicalTable';
put '';
put '//Job/JobActivities/TransformationActivity/Steps/TransformationStep/Transformations/ClassifierMap/ClassifierSources/PhysicalTable/@Id';
put 'character';
put 'string';
put '32';
put '';
put '';
put '//Job/JobActivities/TransformationActivity/Steps/TransformationStep/Transformations/ClassifierMap/ClassifierSources/PhysicalTable/@Name';
put 'character';
put 'string';
put '256';
put '';
put '';
put '//Job/JobActivities/TransformationActivity/Steps/TransformationStep/Transformations/ClassifierMap/ClassifierSources/PhysicalTable/@Desc';
put 'character';
put 'string';
put '256';
put '';
put '
put '';
And then I extract source tables:
libname xmllib xml "&workPath\ResultData.xml" xmlmap=xmlMap;
data WORK.JobSourceTables;
set xmllib.JobST1;
But as I describe in begining of this post - name of table in general tab can be different from real physycal table name which can be find in "Phisical storage" tab.
The root of this question can be related with appropriate path to physical table, in my case it is:
But this path gives table name from general tab of property table, but I need name from "Physical storage" tab, and in documentatiuon I couldn't find how to get this.
"PhysicalTable" attribute 3 sub-attributes @id,@name and @desc sub-attributes...So may be I must check somewhere higher in objects tree...
Thanks in advanced!