Hi There,
We have got SAS DI Jobs and I am trying to findout all list of SAS Jobs present in repository and its inputs and Outputs tables.
I have heard a lot about PROC Metadata and have gone through the SAS Docs , however I couldnot find the information on looping through the entire repository.Some direction to the approach would be really appreiated.
I have added a small loop to add TRANSFORMATION target table column name.
Source table column name not included yet as it will make the output dataset more bulky.
do while(col_cnt <rc_cols);
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',col_cnt, tgt_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_col_uri, 'Name',tgt_col_nm);
options metaserver="<server>"
metauser=<user name>
data Job_input_output;
length job_name job_uri ctrl_order_uri step_uri step_name src_uri src_lib_uri tgt_lib_uri tree_uri jf_uri job_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_uri tgt_name
tgt_lib_nm tgt_col_uri tgt_col_nm $256 ;
/* To initialize variables */ nobj = 1; n = 0;
keep job_name step_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_name tgt_lib_nm lib_uri tgt_col_nm ;
do while(nobj >= 0 ); /* Loop start- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
n = n+1;
/* To get the number of jobs */
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''", n, job_uri);
put "nobj =" nobj "n = " n;
if n = 1 then do;
call symput('nobj', trim(left(nobj))); /* Number of Job objects found. */
if nobj lt 1 then do;
put 'Note: No Job objects found in this repository.';
/* To get job name */
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc_jf = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'JFJobs', 1, jf_uri);
/* get the Custom association - control order */
rc = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'CustomAssociations', 1, ctrl_order_uri);
/*find out how many steps are associated */
n_steps = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', 1, step_uri);
do s = 1 to n_steps; /*Loop start - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
/* get details of each step*/
rc = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', s, step_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(step_uri, 'Name', step_name);
/* for each Step, get the Transformations assoc. */
uri = step_uri;
rc = metadata_getnasn(uri, 'Transformations', 1, step_uri);
rc_s = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', 1, src_uri);
do while(c <rc_s); /* Loop start- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', c, src_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'TableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'SASTableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'Name', src_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'TablePackage',1, src_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_lib_uri, 'Name',src_lib_nm);
/*if src_lib_nm ne '' then*/
end; /* Loop end- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc_t = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', 1, tgt_uri);
do while(c <rc_t); /* Loop start- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', c, tgt_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'TableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'SASTableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'Name', tgt_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'TablePackage',1, tgt_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_lib_uri, 'Name',tgt_lib_nm);
rc_cols = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',1, tgt_col_uri);
do while(col_cnt <rc_cols);
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',col_cnt, tgt_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_col_uri, 'Name',tgt_col_nm);
if rc_cols<=0 then output;
end; /* Loop end- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
end; /*Loop end - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
end;/* Loop end- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
If you feel it helped you then mark it as Solution or give a like.
This below code is using data step metadata function.
Note -
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''", n, job_uri);
It would run for all jobs in foundation repository. In case you want to test for a particular job then update the statement as shown below
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''<Jobname without .sas >", n, job_uri);
options metaserver="<server>"
metauser=<user name>
data Job_input_output;
length job_name job_uri ctrl_order_uri step_uri step_name src_uri src_lib_uri tgt_lib_uri tree_uri jf_uri job_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_uri tgt_name tgt_lib_nm $256 ;
/* To initialize variables */ nobj = 1; n = 0;
keep job_name step_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_name tgt_lib_nm lib_uri ;
do while(nobj >= 0 ); /* Loop start- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
n = n+1;
/* To get the number of jobs */
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''", n, job_uri);
put "nobj =" nobj "n = " n;
if n = 1 then do;
call symput('nobj', trim(left(nobj))); /* Number of Job objects found. */
if nobj lt 1 then do;
put 'Note: No Job objects found in this repository.';
/* To get job name */
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc_jf = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'JFJobs', 1, jf_uri);
/* get the Custom association - control order */
rc = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'CustomAssociations', 1, ctrl_order_uri);
/*find out how many steps are associated */
n_steps = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', 1, step_uri);
do s = 1 to n_steps; /*Loop start - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
/* get details of each step*/
rc = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', s, step_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(step_uri, 'Name', step_name);
/* for each Step, get the Transformations assoc. */
uri = step_uri;
rc = metadata_getnasn(uri, 'Transformations', 1, step_uri);
rc_s = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', 1, src_uri);
do while(c <rc_s); /* Loop start- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', c, src_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'TableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'SASTableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'Name', src_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'TablePackage',1, src_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_lib_uri, 'Name',src_lib_nm);
if src_lib_nm ne '' then output;
end; /* Loop end- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc_t = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', 1, tgt_uri);
do while(c <rc_t); /* Loop start- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', c, tgt_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'TableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'SASTableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'Name', tgt_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'TablePackage',1, tgt_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_lib_uri, 'Name',tgt_lib_nm);
if tgt_lib_nm ne '' then output;
end; /* Loop end- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
end; /*Loop end - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
end;/* Loop end- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
I have added a small loop to add TRANSFORMATION target table column name.
Source table column name not included yet as it will make the output dataset more bulky.
do while(col_cnt <rc_cols);
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',col_cnt, tgt_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_col_uri, 'Name',tgt_col_nm);
options metaserver="<server>"
metauser=<user name>
data Job_input_output;
length job_name job_uri ctrl_order_uri step_uri step_name src_uri src_lib_uri tgt_lib_uri tree_uri jf_uri job_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_uri tgt_name
tgt_lib_nm tgt_col_uri tgt_col_nm $256 ;
/* To initialize variables */ nobj = 1; n = 0;
keep job_name step_name src_name src_lib_nm tgt_name tgt_lib_nm lib_uri tgt_col_nm ;
do while(nobj >= 0 ); /* Loop start- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
n = n+1;
/* To get the number of jobs */
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''", n, job_uri);
put "nobj =" nobj "n = " n;
if n = 1 then do;
call symput('nobj', trim(left(nobj))); /* Number of Job objects found. */
if nobj lt 1 then do;
put 'Note: No Job objects found in this repository.';
/* To get job name */
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc_jf = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'JFJobs', 1, jf_uri);
/* get the Custom association - control order */
rc = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'CustomAssociations', 1, ctrl_order_uri);
/*find out how many steps are associated */
n_steps = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', 1, step_uri);
do s = 1 to n_steps; /*Loop start - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
/* get details of each step*/
rc = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', s, step_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(step_uri, 'Name', step_name);
/* for each Step, get the Transformations assoc. */
uri = step_uri;
rc = metadata_getnasn(uri, 'Transformations', 1, step_uri);
rc_s = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', 1, src_uri);
do while(c <rc_s); /* Loop start- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', c, src_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'TableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'SASTableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'Name', src_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'TablePackage',1, src_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_lib_uri, 'Name',src_lib_nm);
/*if src_lib_nm ne '' then*/
end; /* Loop end- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc_t = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', 1, tgt_uri);
do while(c <rc_t); /* Loop start- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', c, tgt_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'TableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'SASTableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'Name', tgt_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'TablePackage',1, tgt_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_lib_uri, 'Name',tgt_lib_nm);
rc_cols = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',1, tgt_col_uri);
do while(col_cnt <rc_cols);
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',col_cnt, tgt_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_col_uri, 'Name',tgt_col_nm);
if rc_cols<=0 then output;
end; /* Loop end- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
end; /*Loop end - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
end;/* Loop end- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
If you feel it helped you then mark it as Solution or give a like.
Now I have added source column names as well.
options metaserver="<server>"
metauser=<user name>
data Job_input_output;
length job_name job_uri ctrl_order_uri step_uri step_name src_uri src_lib_uri tgt_lib_uri tree_uri jf_uri job_name src_name src_lib_nm src_col_uri src_col_nm tgt_uri tgt_name
tgt_lib_nm tgt_col_uri tgt_col_nm $256 ;
/* To initialize variables */ nobj = 1; n = 0;
keep job_name step_name src_name src_lib_nm src_col_nm tgt_name tgt_lib_nm lib_uri tgt_col_nm ;
do while(nobj >= 0 ); /* Loop start- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
n = n+1;
/* To get the number of jobs */
nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Job?@Name contains ''", n, job_uri);
put "nobj =" nobj "n = " n;
if n = 1 then do;
call symput('nobj', trim(left(nobj))); /* Number of Job objects found. */
if nobj lt 1 then do;
put 'Note: No Job objects found in this repository.';
/* To get job name */
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc= metadata_getattr(job_uri,'Name',job_name);
rc_jf = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'JFJobs', 1, jf_uri);
/* get the Custom association - control order */
rc = metadata_getnasn(job_uri, 'CustomAssociations', 1, ctrl_order_uri);
/*find out how many steps are associated */
n_steps = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', 1, step_uri);
do s = 1 to n_steps; /*Loop start - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
/* get details of each step*/
rc = metadata_getnasn(ctrl_order_uri, 'AssociatedObjects', s, step_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(step_uri, 'Name', step_name);
/* for each Step, get the Transformations assoc. */
uri = step_uri;
rc = metadata_getnasn(uri, 'Transformations', 1, step_uri);
rc_s = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', 1, src_uri);
do while(c <rc_s); /* Loop start- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierSources', c, src_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'TableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'SASTableName', src_name);
if lengthn(src_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(src_uri, 'Name', src_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'TablePackage',1, src_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_lib_uri, 'Name',src_lib_nm);
rc_src_cols = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'Columns',1, src_col_uri);
do while(src_col_cnt <rc_src_cols);
src_col_uri=""; src_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(src_uri, 'Columns',src_col_cnt, src_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(src_col_uri, 'Name',src_col_nm);
if rc_src_cols<=0 then output;
src_col_uri=""; src_col_nm="";
end; /* Loop end- to obtain source table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
src_lib_uri=""; src_lib_nm=""; src_uri=""; src_name="";
rc_t = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', 1, tgt_uri);
do while(c <rc_t); /* Loop start- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(step_uri, 'ClassifierTargets', c, tgt_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'TableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'SASTableName', tgt_name);
if lengthn(tgt_name) =0 then rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_uri, 'Name', tgt_name);
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'TablePackage',1, tgt_lib_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_lib_uri, 'Name',tgt_lib_nm);
rc_cols = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',1, tgt_col_uri);
do while(col_cnt <rc_cols);
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
rc = metadata_getnasn(tgt_uri, 'Columns',col_cnt, tgt_col_uri);
rc = metadata_getattr(tgt_col_uri, 'Name',tgt_col_nm);
if rc_cols<=0 then output;
tgt_col_uri=""; tgt_col_nm="";
end; /* Loop end- to obtain target table and its library name */
/* to reset all table name and their uri*/
tgt_lib_uri=""; tgt_lib_nm=""; tgt_uri=""; tgt_name="";
end; /*Loop end - to obtain all transfromation in a job */
end;/* Loop end- Determine how many jobs are on this repository and identify inputs & outputs. */
do not forget to like the reply.
How about using the sas-relationship-reporter. Have a look at this blog entry http://blogs.sas.com/content/sgf/2015/03/04/relationships-are-easy-for-sas-objects/
More details on the relationship reporting tool can be found here http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/bisag/68240/HTML/default/viewer.htm#p1dcleibglhr6wn19yzv...
Hello yashpande,
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