We use DI Studio 4.2.
I have a parameterised job within an iterative job. In my interative job I have a control table which feeds the loops with parameters for source_data. The parameterised job starts with a data set which contains a column (data_source) defining the source of the data this is in the rest of the columns (each column is a different attribute of the data such as age, client_type, ethnicity etc and then a value column).
The iterative job loops though the different data sources performs the same task in the parameterised job for each of them in order to prepare the data for charting in WRS, however for some of the data sources I want to use different attributes of the data, therefore the data is in a different column.
My job contains an extract with a where clause where Data_Source = "&Source_Data" this is then followed by a summary stats transform which sums the Value column grouping by a given attribute (i.e. a particular column is specified in the Class statement), as this column I want to use in the Class statement changes with the data source I need to know if I can use a parameter to tell the summary stats which column it needs to use.
I already have the attributes which are associated with each data source in my control table so these can be fed through the control loop.