3rd Place Winner: 2024 Customer Awards: UC AB - ROI Rock Star
Fluorite | Level 6


Company: UC AB

Company background: UC is Sweden’s leading business and credit reference agency. UC gather and process information so it can be used by companies and private individuals to make decisions based on trusted data. UC is part of the Nordic knowledge company Enento Group.

Contact: Rolf Fendrich

Title: Datawarehouse developer

Country: Sweden

Award Category: ROI Rock Star

What was the business need/presented problem you were faced with?
We faced the problem of low disc space on our temporary SAS work disc when running large sql joins in Base SAS to correct credit register data. This led to that all SAS-processes where stopped since there was no available disc space on the work-disc.

How did you use SAS to increase revenue/save money for your organization?
Easy solution to this was to buy more disc space, we would need about 600GB. We then started to put our heads together to find a more efficient way to handle this sql join and came up with the solution of using a hash join.

What SAS products did you use and how did you use them?
We use mainly SAS Base 9.4, some EG. There are about 12 users at UC that code in SAS.

What were your results? Please quantify.
Our test resulted in that the old code took between 2-3 hours to perform and the new code did the same work in 28 minutes. The amount of temporary data was about 550-600GB and the new code used about 100GB!

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