Those of you who know me have heard me harp on the need to explore your data using SAS Visual Analytics as the very first step in your forecasting analysis.
Sometimes you find issues with the data that need to be addressed before you can use it for forecasting. Sometimes you find interesting relationships among variables that you want to include in your model, such as important underlying factors. This article demonstrates how I used SAS Visual Analytics 8.5 to explore some time series data that I got off the internet.
I pulled the data from the US Energy Information Administration web site as an Excel spreadsheet.
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I did some rudimentary editing in the Excel spreadsheet (deleted rows above the header row, changed dashes to underscores in one of the sheet names) and then used SAS Studio to pull in all the sheets. I won’t describe that process here because I described it in my previous article Messy Data Prep: Old School Style in Viya 3.5. After going through the data exploration process, I will include my final data prep SAS Studio program for your convenience at the end of this post.
The data are monthly data for electricity generation in megawatt hours (mwh) by US state from 2001 to 2019 by energy source (coal, wind, etc.) by producer.
So let’s explore these data. We first use the forecasting object in Visual Analytics 8.5 to look at our data frequency over time by selecting date as my Time axis role. We see that the number of observations have increased steadily over time, which makes sense to me. More and more states are adding energy sources over time. But we see an anomalous drop in 2011 which might cause us pause and make us want to investigate further.
We also see that we get a close fitting ARIMA model. Note that SAS Visual Analytics provides preliminary forecasting results, but unlike SAS Visual Forecasting 8.5, we have no control over what model is selected. Recall that SAS Visual Analytics can be used as an exploratory tool for forecasting, but organizations that do many forecasts will want SAS Visual Forecasting also.
Month and Year should be Category not Measure variables, so let’s change them.
We can take a peak at our frequencies by year and then sort them by YEAR: Ascending.
We can look at our frequencies by year and by state by adding State as my Group role. Here we also see that 2011 frequencies are lower for many states.
We can filter by year to zoom in on 2010, 2011 and 2012 only.
We can change our group to Type of Producer. Does your graph look the same as the one below? Did you remember to sort by YEAR: Ascending?
Let’s also take a look at the frequency of energy source grouped by year for 2010, 2011, and 2012. We see that although frequency of totals reported were similar over those three years. However, we can see that coal, other, other biomass, and petroleum had quite a bit fewer observations in 2011. Let’s shoot an email to EIA to find out if they know any reason for this frequency difference.
Notice something odd? We have two different groups for United States total: US-Total and US-TOTAL.
Let’s look at year grouped by state and filtered by just US-Total and US-TOTAL. We see easily from this graph that they changed from “US-TOTAL” to “US-Total” in 2012. But you can imagine how that might mess up our forecasting!
Note: We used the Options pane to change from horizontal to vertical bars.
Let’s use Visual Analytics to see which sources are contributing to the largest electricity generation. We can than select the top ones to use in our analysis, leaving it uncluttered by the small timers. The top six are coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, and petroleum. I’ll filter the others out using my data prep program.
We see that there are a number of producer types, some of which subset each other. I am only interested in total electric power industry, so I will also filter the others out in my data preparation.
We can look at month frequencies by energy source, but it’s a bit busy.
Let’s simplify and just look at frequency of month.
At the scale shown in the graph above, it looks very similar, so let’s set the y axis to start at 36,000.
Now we have a much better understanding of the data, and some idiosyncrasies in it. I will finalize the data prep to ready the data for SAS Visual Forecasting. I won’t go into detail about that here, but see my article Messy Data Prep: Old School Style in Viya 3.5 . Also, for the uber-curious, I have included a copy of my SAS Studio program.
************************************************************************************************* * * * IMPORT EXCEL SHEETS: SAS Studio Sample Code * * EIA Electricity Generation Monthly Data by US State 2001 to 2019 * Beth Ebersole * * 05 APR 2020 * * * *************************************************************************************************; /* proc setinit; run; options msglevel=I; */ * 1) Put EIA data on \\nagel01\gate\team\beeber\; * 2) Upload folder in the SAS Studio Explorer tree... intviya01 > Home > sasuser.viya > BethOut ; libname bethout '/home/beeber/sasuser.viya/BethOut'; FILENAME REFFILE DISK '/home/beeber/sasuser.viya/ELECGEN2019.xlsx'; options symbolgen macrogen; %macro elec(sheet); proc sql; %if %sysfunc(exist(WORK.elecgen&sheet)) %then %do; drop table WORK.elecgen&sheet; %end; %if %sysfunc(exist(WORK.elecgen&sheet,VIEW)) %then %do; drop view WORK.elecgen&sheet; %end; quit; proc import datafile = reffile dbms=xlsx out=work.elecgen&sheet; sheet="&sheet"; getnames = yes; proc sort; by state year; *proc print data=elecgen&sheet (obs=10); *title "&sheet"; %mend elec; %elec(2001_2002_FINAL); %elec(2003_2004_FINAL); %elec(2005_2007_FINAL); %elec(2008_2009_FINAL); %elec(2010_2011_FINAL); %elec(2012_Final); %elec(2013_Final); %elec(2014_Final); %elec(2015_Final); %elec(2016_Preliminary); %elec(2017_Preliminary); %elec(2018_Preliminary); %elec(2019_Preliminary); run; data work.elecgen2019a (drop=day); set elecgen2001_2002_FINAL elecgen2003_2004_FINAL elecgen2005_2007_FINAL elecgen2008_2009_FINAL elecgen2010_2011_FINAL elecgen2012_Final elecgen2013_Final elecgen2014_Final elecgen2015_Final elecgen2016_Preliminary elecgen2017_Preliminary elecgen2018_Preliminary elecgen2019_Preliminary; *if state = " " then delete; day = 1; date = mdy(month,day,year); format date monyy.; yearsas=mdy(month, day, year); format yearsas year4.; rename 'ENERGY SOURCE'n=EnergySource 'GENERATION (Megawatthours)'n=Generation_mwh 'Type of Producer'n=ProducerType; run; data work.elecgen2019b; set elecgen2019a; if state ne "US-Total" and state ne "US-TOTAL"; if substr(EnergySource,1,5) = "Hydro" then EnergySource = "Hydro"; run; data work.elecgen2019c; set work.elecgen2019b; if ProducerType = "Total Electric Power Industry"; if EnergySource = "Coal" or EnergySource = "Natural Gas" or EnergySource = "Nuclear" or EnergySource = "Hydro" or EnergySource = "Wind" or EnergySource = "Petroleum"; run; data work.temp1; set work.elecgen2019c; if 2010 <= year <= 2012; if month = 12; run; proc contents data=work.temp1; run; proc print data = work.temp1 (obs=5000); title 'temp1'; run; data bethout.elecgen2019 (drop=ProducerType); set work.elecgen2019c; run; cas mysession sessopts=(caslib=casuser timeout=1800 locale="en_US"); proc casutil; droptable casdata="ELECGEN2019" quiet; load data=BethOut.elecgen2019 outcaslib = "casuser" casout="ELECGEN2019" promote; quit; *best practice is to close the CAS thread; run;
We can now Refresh the data source to our latest version.
And let’s take a peek at the frequency our new data over time.
We can also peek at a few of the individual forecasts by source and state. Everything looks hunky-dory.
At this point, we are comfortable enough with our data to put them into SAS Visual Forecasting 8.5. We’ll see that in my next article!
In summary, we have a plethora of objects in SAS Visual Analytics that are useful for exploring our time series data, including the Forecasting object. Exploring and getting to know our data is an essential first step to any time series analysis.
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Don’t worry, I got you. Check out my short, easy-to-consume articles:
Watch this demo of the SAS Visual Forecasting 8.5 Forecast Viewer:
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