The previous examples used SAS jobs to create the visual output to be displayed in the SAS Visual Analytics (VA) report. This definitely expands the possibilities, but we have to admit that the static nature of ODS output may not meet interactive requirements, and at minimum, it doesn’t fit well with the overall VA report look & feel.
This article will introduce a very creative way of leveraging SAS jobs to extend the VA capabilities, not as much to visualize the data, but to manipulate the data or enhance it with new calculations before it’s visualized in VA. There are two ways this can be done:
Because of the similarities of #1 above with traditional usage of DDC, we are not going to explore that option. The only thing that might be new to you in this approach is the part that streams data in JSON format back to the DDC, but you will see some of that happening in option #2.
HelloCASWorld Example
This example is built on top of the example called HelloBigWorldFormatted, introduced in the previous article. As said above, it will produce a table loaded in CAS so it can be explored in VA as any other in-memory table. In addition to that, the example will also explore a few ideas for enhancements:
Instead of exploring this new example with all the enhancements added at once, you will first be introduced to the basic version of the job and the DDC code that are able to load a table in memory, followed by the final enhanced version with all the bells and whistles.
SAS Job Code (first pass)
This job is very similar to the one called HelloBigWorldFormatted. Starting with that job, you need to add a few extra lines in the initialization portion of the code to account for connecting to CAS and setting the CASUSER libname:
Picture 1- Setting up CAS session and library
Also, in the main processing portion of the code you need to replace the PROC PRINT statement that generates the ODS output with the code that loads the output table in memory:
The CASUSER output table name is fixed in this implementation, but obviously it would be nice to parameterize this table name, so that you could reuse this same job with multiple VA reports if needed, each one of them writing to its own table. This parameter could be set in the DDC code, but them you would have the same problem (the DDC could only be used in one VA report) or you could set this parameter in the VA report and pass it to the DDC, which would then be passed to the job. This is exactly what you will see in the enhanced implementation later in this article.
Finally, you need to terminate the CAS session created in the initialization phase:
Data-Driven Content Code (first pass)
The changes necessary in the DDC code are also minimal. Considering that the job no longer sends information back to the DDC, you basically need to adjust the actions taken once the function callJob() finishes execution. Because this DDC does not have any job’s output to display, it displays some job status messages during its execution and clears the message when the execution ends:
SAS Visual Analytics Report (first pass)
The report in this example looks like the following:
The List Table at the top was added just for your reference. It is based on the input CARS data source, loaded in memory from the SASHELP library and displays what’s expected as output from the DDC/job. The object in the middle is the DDC. It doesn’t contain any visible output, except for a few status messages while the DDC/job are being executed. The List Table at the bottom uses the table loaded in the CASUSER library that the job created. The Button Bar at the very top of the report has actions to filter the first List Table and the DDC objects, so you can filter the data and see the job in action.
There are a few additional things about the VA report that should be highlighted:
a. Save the VA report
b. Hit Ctrl+Alt+B to open the SAS Visual Analytics Diagnostics window
c. Make sure the BIRD tab across the top and the XML button are selected (these are the defaults)
d. Click on the Data icon on the left
e. Scroll down searching for the reference to the CASUSER library
f. Remove (<userid>) that is appended to the CASUSER library
Picture 6- Removing userid from CASUSER
g. Click the Load button on the top left
h. Save the VA report
If you have the right privileges for exporting and importing content in SAS Environment Manager (menu option Manage Environment), you can replace all the steps above by exporting the report and them reimporting it. You just need to replace the target CASUSER(<userid>) library with just CASUSER in the GUI during the import process.
Picture 7- Setting up auto-refresh in all objects that depend on the table created by the job
SAS Job Code (with enhancements)
Although the previous implementation works just fine, it lacks some basic capabilities to make it more robust and flexible.
First, what if there is an issue with the job’s logic and it fails? The HTTP call to the job would be successful, but the results produced by the job would be incomplete or incorrect. In order to better respond to this, you would have to make the job a bit more intelligent by treating errors on every step of the process and inform the DDC if something happens.
Second, as discussed previously, what if you need to replicate the job functionality in another VA report? If you simply reuse the same job, you will end up with two reports writing to the same CASUSER table. A simple solution would be making a copy of the job just to replace the name of the output table that is hard coded, but that could create future maintenance overhead. The best solution is to parameterize the name of the output table that the job creates. Working towards a more robust job code, you could test for the existence of this parameter (macro variable CASTAB in this example) and issue an error in case the parameter doesn’t exist.
You will do those things by defining two macro functions. One called stopOnError that sends back a JSON message to the DDC in case of an error, and one called checkParams that validates the existence of expected parameters:
Below is an example of calling the stopOnError macro function after each step in the process:
The JSON message produced by the PROC JSON in this example has three key-value pairs:
If the job execution reaches the end, you should send a JSON message back to the DDC saying the job executed successfully:
With the CAS table being parameterized, the main processing steps would need to be re-written to replace the fixed table name with the macro variable &CASTAB:
Data-Driven Content Code (with enhancements)
In the enhanced DDC code you need do the following:
For the first two items above, you can leverage the function getVAParameters() that is available in the GitHub utility library called util/contentUtil.js.
You need to modify the onDataReceived() callback function to retrieve the parameters from VA, validate them, and send a message back if something is missing. That’s implemented with the code highlighted in yellow at the beginning and the bigger block of code in the middle, as indicated below. You also need to modify the code that verifies the response received from the job and sends the proper messages back to VA, done in the highlighted block at the end. The line that calls the va.contentUtil.initializeSelections() function is just a best practice to remove eventual columns that indicate brushing, which doesn’t make sense in a DDC that produces an in-memory table as the output:
Observe in the last highlighted block above that when the job finishes and execution resumes to the callJob() function, you are informing the status of the job execution. If the execution succeeds, a temporary message “Done!” that lasts only 2 seconds is displayed, before it’s replaced with an empty string.
Considering that the job now needs the name of the output CASUSER table to be passed as a parameter called CASTAB (not case sensitive) and the job returns JSON back to the DDC, the callJob() function also needs to be slightly modified to account for those:
Observe that the job parameter _output_type is set to JSON, and the “Accept” field in the header of the HTTP call is set to application/json, matching with what the job is returning to the DDC. With those modifications, the DDC is generic enough to work as a proxy for launching jobs that produce non-visual output.
Just to recap, the DDC receives from VA the data (aggregated table) and three parameters:
The data is uploaded to the server and the name of the table to be created is passed to job. The job reads the uploaded table, processes it, and saves the output table with the desired name. The job returns a JSON object with the execution status back to the DDC that interprets it and displays the proper message.
SAS Visual Analytics Report (with enhancements)
The report in this example looks exactly as the previous one and the same observations made about that previous report apply to this one, but in addition, this enhanced version of the report must have the following:
_job_output_cas_table: "CARS_COPY"
_job_executing_message: "Waiting for job to finish..."
_job_name: "/Public/Jobs/SAS Communities/HelloCASWorld"
2. VA parameters are only passed in the JSON message to the DDC if the parameters affect the data that is being passed to the DDC. This is further explained in the article Using parameters with Data-Driven Content in SAS Visual Analytics, and in this example you guarantee that all three parameters are being passed to the DDC by setting a dummy advanced filter in the DDC object that looks like this:
Deploying This Example
All files used in this example are available for downloading from the GitHub project sas-visualanalytics-thirdpartyvisualizations, under folder called samples/IntegrationWithSASJobs.
It requires the CARS table to be loaded into memory in the Public caslib. The table is originally available in the SASHELP library.
Deployment steps:
a. Create a new job in a folder of your preference (e.g. /Public/Jobs/SAS Communities) and name it HelloCASWorld (see first article for more details if needed)
b. Open the job for edition, copy & paste the content of file github/samples/IntegrationWithSASJobs/3.HelloCASWorld/
c. Save the job
d. Add job parameter _action=FORM as discussed in the first article
e. Create a new job form either as a separate content or attached to the job (SAS Visual Analytics 8.5 or above only), as explained in the first article. If it’s a separate content, give it the same name as the job
f. Open the job form for edition, copy & paste the content of file github/samples/IntegrationWithSASJobs/3.HelloCASWorld/HelloCASWorld.html (1)
g. Make changes to the host name (search for and replace it accordingly) and path of src on lines 20, 21, and 22 (1):
Picture 17- Modify src appropriately
h. Save the job form
a. Create a new empty report
b. With the report opened, hit Ctrl+Alt+B to bring the SAS Visual Analytics Diagnostics window.
c. With the BIRD tab selected across the top (that’s the default), replace the BIRD XML content with the content of the file github/samples/IntegrationWithSASJobs/3.HelloCASWorld/VA-DDC-Job Hello CAS World.xml
d. Hit Load (this will close the diagnostics window)
e. With the DDC object at the bottom of the report selected, go to the Options pane on the right and fix the URL entry: replace accordingly and make sure the path to the job is correct (same value entered in #3a)
f. Make changes to the values assigned to the parameter _job_name if necessary, so it matches with your environment (same value entered in #3a)
g. Save the report
Note: (1) Starting with release 2023.06, the examples that used to inherit jQuery from their parent (the SAS Visual Analytics web application) no longer work, so we have provided replacement codes. These replacement files have the same names as their original, but they end with .v4. Because of that, some references to line numbers may not exactly match on those .v4 files.
We could have exported all the content as a package, but this would require special privileges in order to import it. Sharing the example as standalone files will give you the opportunity to better explore the SAS Job Execution Web application, familiarize yourself with the content, and understand how they are connected.
Note: The first time a user opens this report it fails because the CASUSER table doesn’t exist yet. Reopening the report will work, as well as any subsequent access to the report. This will happen to any other report that depends on a table that is being dynamically loaded in memory when a user opens the report for the first time.
Next Steps
This example showed how jobs can be used to load tables in memory, but in fact, the output table can be stored anywhere, including external files, relational databases or any other storage type your SAS environment has access to. You can also update and delete rows from existing tables, and you can do so using SAS Visual Analytics report as the front-end. There is an example in GitHub that updates tables, but it uses the SAS Viya REST API’s to do so directly from the DDC JavaScript code. Doing something similar using jobs is going to be left to you as an exercise 🙂
In the next article you will be applying the integration between SAS Visual Analytics, Data-Driven Content object, and SAS jobs in a business use case: create a Pareto chart by allowing dynamic filtering on the cumulative total percentage. You will be looking at GDP by country and year, and the goal is to allow you to report on the short list of countries that are responsible for let’s say 80% of the global GDP.
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