With SAS Viya 3.4 18W38 release, Viya user have a new Data Connector to access and load data from Cloud Data Exchange server to CAS. Cloud Data Exchange (CDE) is a capability to securely access customer’s on-premise data (behind a firewall) from SAS Viya 3.4 application hosted at a public or private cloud environment. This post is about data load from CDE to CAS.
Once the data source services are defined on Data Agent Server, CAS can be loaded from CDE either using Serial or Parallel data load method.
The serial data load method transfers data from data agent server to CAS via CAS controller server using single process thread. The CAS controller divides and distribute data blocks amongst the CAS worker nodes in the round-robin fashion.
The following animation describes the serial data load from CDE to CAS:
The following code example describes the serial data load from CDE to CAS. It opens a CAS session and defines a session CASLIB with “clouddex” source type. The CASLIB is using conopts=”DSN=hiveserv1”, a data service defined on data agent server to access Hadoop/Hive tables. The PROC CAS is loading a hive table to CAS through CDE. The Hive table is accessed through CDE using a secured connection between SAS Viya and Data Agent Server.
CAS mySession SESSOPTS=( CASLIB=casuser TIMEOUT=99 LOCALE="en_US" metrics=true); /* Create a Session based Hive_CDE CASLIB */ proc cas; session mySession; action addCaslib / caslib="hive_cde" datasource={srcType="clouddex" username="viyademo01", password="lnxsas", dataAgentName="dagentsrv-shared01-default", schema="CASDM", conopts="dsn=hivesrv1" }; run; quit; /** Serial data Load to CAS */ proc cas; session mySession; action loadTable / casLib="hive_cde" path="cars" casout={ casLib="hive_cde" , name="cars_srl" } ; run; quit;
The CDE Parallel data load method directly transfers data from data agent server to CAS Worker Nodes. It is initiated by including numReadNodes > 1 in load statement. This data load method is an improved version of Multi-Node Data Transfer method with additional parameters like data split column, data split range, dataOnReaderNodesOnly etc. The additional parameter discussed in this post is only valid for CDE Data Connector and not to other databases Data Connectors. The CDE Parallel data load to CAS is not a SAS EP based data load. Based on the value of numReadNodes=, multiple CAS worker node concurrently fetches part of data from Data Agent Server to CAS. The CAS Controller prepares the data split subquery for reader CAS worker node, formula discussed later in this post. The reader CAS Worker node further distribute the data to non-reader CAS Worker nodes using newly available option dataOnReaderNodesOnly. By default, the value for the dataOnReaderNodesOnly is FALSE. To use all available CAS Worker nodes for parallel data load use numReadNodes=0. To enable parallel data load to CAS, CDE Data Connector must be installed on each CAS nodes.
The Following animation describes the parallel data load from CDE to CAS. Two CAS worker nodes read data from Data Agent Server and further distribute the data to rest of non-reader CAS Worker nodes.
The CAS controller prepares the data split subquery to fetch part of data at reader CAS worker nodes. CDE Data Connector has its own formula to split the data compare to using mod() function on the first numeric column of the data table. There are two ways to split the data for reader CAS Worker nodes.
The auto split data fetch at CAS is initiated by including numReadNodes > 1, useMinMaxToSplit=TRUE and useMetaTable=FALSE options in load statement. The load statement can also have optional parameters like data split column and data split range. When the split column name is not provided, the first numeric column from the source table is selected. When the split range is not provided, it is calculated on the split column using formula Split Range= ((Max – Min) / numReadNodes).
Each assigned CAS Worker Node will fetch the data by the value of the split range, starting from the minimum value of the split column.
Let’s look at an example with sample data sets to see how the auto split works. Let’s first look at data split with split column and split range. In the following example the source data table (car) has 3 columns make, msrp and model. The load statement includes ‘msrp’ as the split column and the split range of 20000. The 3 reader nodes are being used for data load. Based on given parameters, the CAS will create three data splits with the split range of 20000 starting from min value of ‘msrp’ column.
….. datasourceOptions={numReadNodes=3, useMetaTable=FALSE, useMinMaxToSplit = TRUE, splitColumn="msrp", splitRange = 20000 } ….
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The following formula is used for data split and to fetch part of data at reader worker nodes.
Now, let’s see how the auto data split works when there is no split column and split range defined in the load statement. In the following example, the ‘msrp’ is selected for the split column since it’s the first numeric column in the data table. The split range is being calculated on msrp column using formula (max-min)/ numReadNodes. The CAS creates three data splits with the calculated split range starting from min value of ‘msrp’ column.
….. datasourceOptions={numReadNodes=3, useMetaTable=FALSE, useMinMaxToSplit = TRUE } ….
The following formula is used for data split and to fetch part of data at reader worker nodes.
The following code example describes the parallel data load from CDE to CAS using “Auto data split” mechanism with split column and range.
….. proc cas; session mySession; action loadTable / casLib="hive_cde" path="cars" datasourceOptions={numReadNodes=3, useMetaTable=FALSE, useMinMaxToSplit = TRUE, splitColumn="msrp", splitRange = 20000, traceFile="/tmp/cdetrace.log", traceFlags="SQL" } casout={ casLib="hive_cde" , name="cars_splt" } ; run; quit; ….
With trace file option in data load statement, you can generate a trace log on each CAS worker nodes. You can look at the trace log to verify the SQL submitted from reader CAS worker node to the Data Agent Server. The following is the extract from the trace file generated from the data load statement.
Note: Please don’t compare the Split range listed in the following log with the earlier example. This log is based on data present in cars table.
Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS01 server: [cloud-user@intcas01 tmp]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7f7320f0a6e0, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE 0=1`, SqlL=38 In: StatementHandle=0x7f7320f0a6e0, Sql=`SELECT MIN(msrp), MAX(msrp ) FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE msrp IS NOT NULL `, SqlL=72 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS02 server: [cloud-user@intcas02 tmp]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7ff178144780, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" < 30280 OR "msrp" IS NULL ) `, SqlL=73 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS03 server: [cloud-user@intcas03 ~]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7fa210026780, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" >= 30280 AND msrp < 50280 ) `, SqlL=73 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS04 server: [cloud-user@intcas04 ~]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7f84ac086700, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" >= 50280 ) `, SqlL=56
To use a metadata-based parallel load, a user must create and populate a metadata table with following structure at the source database. The Metadata table stores information about how to split the data for a given data table. A metadata based parallel (multinode) load is initiated when numReadNodes > 1, metaCatalog=, metaSchema=, metaTable=, and useMetaTable= parameters included in load statement. By default, the value for useMetaTable= is TRUE. Metadata varchar column max length is 256.
The column COLUMN_NAME defines the split column from the data table. The column SPLIT defines the number of concurrent data splits to be fetched by multiple reader nodes. For a given SPLIT number, there are as many entries (HISTOGRAM_ENTRY) as (SPLIT - 1) of splits with a bound value (HISTOGRAM_BOUNDS) defined.
Let’s look at an example of metadata based parallel load. The following metadata describes the configuration to use when ‘cars’ table is parallel loaded to CAS using ‘cdemeta’ table. In this example, two ways of data splitting are configured for source table(cars).
Metadata table (cdemeta)
When numReadNodes=2 in load statement, the configuration of SPLIT=2 will be used for 2 reader nodes to fetch data simultaneously. The first node fetches data where msrp < 20000 and all the NULL value entries. The second node fetches data where msrp >= 20000.
When numReadNodes=3 in load statement, the configuration of SPLIT=3 will be used for 3 reader nodes to fetch data simultaneously. The first node fetches data where msrp < 20000 and all the NULL value entries. The second node fetches data where msrp >= 20000 and msrp < 30000. The third node fetches the data where mspr >= 30000.
The following code example describes the parallel data load from CDE to CAS using a metadata table(cdemeta).
….. proc cas; session mySession; action loadTable / casLib="hive_cde" path="cars" datasourceOptions={numReadNodes=3, metaCatalog="hivesrv1", metaSchema="CASDM", metaTable="cdemeta traceFile="/tmp/cdetrace.log", traceFlags="SQL" } casout={ casLib="hive_cde" , name="cars_cdemeta" } ; run; quit; ….
The default value ‘cdemeta’ is considered when no value is defined for metaTable= parameter in load statement. If metadata table not found in the source environment, load statement fails.
With trace file option in data load statement, you can generate a trace log on each CAS worker nodes. You can look at the trace log to verify the SQL submitted from reader CAS worker node to the Data Agent Server. The following is the extract from the trace file generated from the data load statement.
Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS01 server: [cloud-user@intcas01 tmp]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7fe74bddecc0, Sql=`SELECT CATALOG_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, HISTOGRAM_ENTRY, HISTOGRAM_BOUNDS, SPLIT FROM "hivesrv1"."CASDM"."cdemeta" WHERE UPCASE(SCHEMA_NAME)=UPCASE('CASDM') AND UPCASE(TABLE_NAME)=UPCASE('cars') ORDER BY SPLIT, HISTOGRAM_ENTRY`, SqlL=245 In: StatementHandle=0x7fe74bddecc0, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE 0=1`, SqlL=38 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS02 server: [cloud-user@intcas02 tmp]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7f16dc043ec0, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" < 20000 OR "msrp" IS NULL ) `, SqlL=73 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS03 server: [cloud-user@intcas03 ~]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7fe4180982e0, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" >= 20000 AND msrp < 30000 ) `, SqlL=73 Extract from /tmp/cdetrace.log at SASCAS04 server: [cloud-user@intcas04 ~]$ egrep 'Sql=' /tmp/cdetrace.log In: StatementHandle=0x7fa08814b700, Sql=`SELECT * FROM "CASDM"."cars" WHERE ( "msrp" >= 30000 ) `, SqlL=56
When using metadata for parallel data load make sure to populate cdemeta table with latest histogram data. Choose the split column name based on data cardinality. This is a tedious task to populate the ‘cdemeta’ table, but it’s one of the feature with CDE data connector for parallel data load.
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