Accessing Google Cloud Storage (GCS) with SAS Viya 3.5 – An overview
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With the rise of cloud data lakes, resulting from the convergence of data lakes and cloud computing, being able to access a wide variety of data on the major cloud providers' object storage technologies has become essential if not already mandatory.
Object storage provides a reliable, affordable and flexible way of storing, managing and using data from cloud platforms. The cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft and Google offers plenty of data services that leverage their corresponding object storage implementation, making them very efficient. Ingesting data has never been so easy.
SAS has started to work with cloud object storage in 2016, releasing PROC S3 to access files located in AWS S3 from SAS. Since then, we have had many more capabilities:
- SAS Data Integration transforms that interact with S3
- ADLS2 (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2) CASLIB
- ORC libname engine for ADLS2
- ADLS filename
- S3 filename
But what about Google Cloud Storage (GCS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP)'s object storage?
Is SAS or CAS able to access GCS contents? If yes, how?
Well, as of SAS Viya 3.5, you probably noticed that we don't have a direct access to GCS through a CASLIB, a LIBNAME or a FILENAME construct. That will certainly come in the future.
In this article, I will briefly describe what some current options to access data in Google Cloud Storage are, before covering them in more details in upcoming blog articles.
gsutil - the "indirect" way
For SAS and CAS to be able to access files in GCS, you can certainly choose to make those files available beforehand on a file system accessible from SAS and/or CAS using the Google Cloud SDK.
gsutil is the CLI for Google Cloud Storage. It's a very simple utility to query, download, upload, synchronize files from/to GCS.
So, if you have files in GCS that you would like to access from SAS and/or CAS, you can run a gsutil command to synchronize them in a local directory. Outside of SAS or from SAS if you like running X commands.
# Synchronize a bucket (source) with a local directory (destination)
gsutil -m rsync -d -r gs://gcpdm-test/data /tmp/gcpdm_data_rsync
Pros: easy, robust, fast (parallel)
Cons: not a direct access from SAS (2-step process), requires Cloud SDK installation, requires some administration, requires some disk space
REST API - the "web" way
Google Cloud provides tons of APIs, including one of course for Google Cloud Storage. From SAS, it's possible to call this GCS API using PROC HTTP and thus to download files from GCS into SAS or upload files from SAS to GCS. FILENAME URL can also be used with signed URLs.
/* Download the file using the GCS REST API */
proc http
out=outcsv ;
debug level=1 ;
run ;
Pros: direct access
Cons: direct access is limited to SAS (not CAS), management of OAuth tokens
gcsfuse - the "dark" way
"gcsfuse is a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage". In other words, gcsfuse is a command-line utility allowing you to mount a GCS bucket to a local directory so that the bucket's contents are visible and accessible locally like any other file.
Access to the bucket is totally transparent. Any new file in the bucket will be immediately visible in the mount point directory. Any new file in the mount point directory will be immediately visible in the bucket.
From a SAS and CAS perspective, it's nothing else than accessing OS directories.
Pros: direct, transparent, data available for SAS and CAS
Cons: some limitations with regard to writing files to GCS, gcsfuse sustainability, permissions management, linux only, requires gcsfuse installation
BigQuery - the "smart" way
Google BigQuery is a "fully managed, serverless enterprise data warehouse that supports analytics over petabyte-scale data". Besides its querying capabilities, Google BigQuery provides simple ways to import or reference data files located in Google Cloud Storage. For instance, you can create an External Table from a GCS file (basically it's a view on that file) and you will be able to use it from SAS and/or CAS. If the original file is updated, you will get the latest updates in SAS/CAS through the External Table.
And cherry on the cake, BigQuery supports additional files formats like Avro so that you can load an Avro file from GCS to CAS through Google BigQuery very easily.
Pros: direct (with BigQuery External Tables), openness to file formats not currently supported by SAS/CAS
Cons: additional SAS/ACCESS license, BigQuery transactions cost, linux only, one-way only (GCS -> BigQuery -> SAS/CAS)
If you have used any other way to access GCS from SAS that you want to share, feel free to comment.
Stay tuned for more details on each option.
Thanks for reading.