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Deprecated APIs

On or after July 12, 2022, the APIs that are listed in this announcement are no longer supported by SAS 360 Match. Attempts to include the deprecated elements in existing APIs might have no effect or might cause the API request to fail. Many of the changes have been marked as deprecated for several months.


Flight Creatives


Elements from_time, to_time, from_date, and to_date

The <from_time>, <to_time>, <from_date>, and <to_date> elements of <flight-creative> will no longer be supported. Flight creative GET requests will not include these elements. If you use the elements in PUT or POST requests, the requests will be rejected. This includes the /campaigns/* and the /creative/[id]/flights/* API paths.


The elements are deprecated in favor of the existing flight creative elements of <start_date> and <end_date>. These fields use and accept full ISO timestamps that use the standard format of YYYY-DD-MMTHH:MM:SS-ZZ:ZZ.


For example, instead of submitting this:









API operations must submit this:









Element flights-attributes

When any flight in a campaign belongs to a tier that uses the approval workflow, the Campaigns API will no longer accept the <flights-attributes> element as part of a campaign entity. This means that you cannot use the Campaigns API to edit multiple flights in a single request when any flight within a campaign uses the approval workflow. Instead, use the Flights API to manage the flights. The Flights API and its documentation have been expanded to include creating, updating, and deleting flights and flight creatives.


Although you can continue to use the Campaigns API to manage flights, it is recommended that you use the Flights API instead going forward.


Element flights

To improve API performance, a campaign resource representation returns a maximum of 1,000 flights by default. SAS 360 Match will introduce an alternative method of paginating campaign flights in a future update. With that change, it will be possible to eliminate the <flights> element in a campaign to significantly improve performance of the Campaigns API for campaigns with many flights.




Element sites

Sites can no longer be associated with tags. The <sites> element should no longer be included with Tags API requests.

For example, the following XML should no longer be submitted:

<sites type="array"/>


Element values


Values should no longer be managed as part of the tag resource representation with the Tags API. For example, the following XML should no longer be submitted to the Tags API:


<values-attributes type="array">


Instead, use the Tag Values API to manage tag values for a tag, including creating bulk tag values. In a future API update, the Tags API will no longer return the <values> element.


Changes to Bulk Tag Value Management

The following is an example of use of the deprecated API:


POST /tags or POST /tags?format_tag_values=csv


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<new-value-names>TestTag5Value1|TestTag5Value1_display_name,TestTag5Value2, TestTag5Value3|TestTag5Value3_display_name</new-value-names>



Instead, use the following alternative that supports the additional attributes of tag values, as well as the use of characters that were previously reserved as separators in the now-deprecated API:


POST /tags/4/values


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tag-values type="array">









