The most usual reason for Progress tracking or quiz scoring issues are these:
1) using the wrong browser. We recommend only Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome. Please do not use Microsoft Edge with the e-learning classes.
2) not having JavaScript or scripting enabled - each quiz is scored with a script. The important thing is passing the quiz with a score of 80% or higher. If you pass the quiz, but your quiz is not marked complete, then the easiest thing to do is to try taking the quiz with another browser.
3) your security at your company/network could be preventing the progress being sent back to our server. Sometimes using a different computer fixes this issue. Using a less restricted computer, such as a home computer frequently will fix progress issues.
4) try clearing your Internet cache files, reboot your machine and open a fresh browser window and go back into the course and take the quiz again.
Most tracking issues are resolved by just switching to a different browser. The kinds of domains with the most issues are those with very tight security, such as government, military or financial institutions. For these students, they frequently need to take quizzes on a less restricted computer/network.
Hope this helps,