proc freq data=new;
tables salesrange;
produces this output
Cumulative Cumulative
salesrange Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Lower 288 72.91 288 72.91
Middle 60 15.19 348 88.10
Upper 47 11.90 395 100.00
so I would say the answer is 288. Your PROC PRINT has observation 394 as the last observation, but the observation numbers are not consecutive so there are not 394 observations printed. Also, the log for your PROC PRINT shows:
138 proc print data=new;
139 where salesrange = "Lower";
140 run;
NOTE: There were 288 observations read from the data set WORK.NEW.
WHERE salesrange='Lower';
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
so 288 observations were printed.
Paige Miller