On lesson 3 filtering rows practice (2nd) level 1. Using SAS Studio.
The problem is asking to check for rows with missing data on multiple (3) variables/columns.
I've had trouble finding a clear answer in the documentation and in various places online (read: Google searches pulling up topics here and on stack overflow).
I know I can say
where <column> is missing or <column2> is missing ...;
And get everything back that I should.
But that feels a bit unwieldy, and it seems like a good spot to try and combine operators if possible, yeah? I would like to check all three columns for missing values and return them within proc print, using a single where statement that isn't bogged down with repeated or's and "is missing"s.
But I've tried a few different combinations of in and is missing and it's not really working. Wonder if I've just been doing this incorrectly...? Or if I just haven't gotten the ordering of operators/other syntax correct? Or maybe I'd just have to go about this in a completely different way?
Thanks for any insight.