I'd recommend the JavaImg driver or the Java driver versus ActiveX or ActxImg -- RTF and PDF are different than HTML in the treatment of images. The image is "grabbed" at the time of file creation and converted to internal PDF or RTF format, while for HTML, a pointer <IMG> tag is built that specifies the physical location of the graph file.
The difference in 9.1.3 between the "client side" drivers like Java and ActiveX is that they use the ODS style template for their color and font settings; while the other drivers, like GIF, JPEG, etc, use internal GOPTIONS values and SAS/Graph defaults for their colors and fonts.
Starting in SAS 9.2, all SAS/Graph drivers will use ODS style template information unless you explicitly turn off the use of ODS styles with an Options statement.
This document
http://support.sas.com/techsup/technote/ts659/ts659.html recommends the SASPRTC or Java drivers (in section B). I believe this was written before the JavaImg driver was available. I have actually used the ActxImg driver without difficulty in PDF, but I've not tried the ActiveX driver. It does make sense; however, not to use a driver/technology that's specifically associated with Microsoft when you're creating a PDF file.
Some other links of interest:
And I think it worth emphasizing that in this link that Andre provided:
http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/graphref/59607/HTML/default/a002329278.htm it explicitly says that:
When you use the ACTIVEX device driver with an ODS statement that does not enable interactive output, the output is automatically changed to the PNG image that is generated with the ACTXIMG device driver. For example, the ODS PDF statement generates output for the Adobe Acrobat Reader in Portable Document Format (PDF). This format does not enable embedded ActiveX applications. Specifying the ACTIVEX device driver with the ODS PDF statement generates a PDF output file that contains a static image in PNG format.
There is the possibility that when this conversion takes place (from ActiveX to PNG to internal PDF format) something could be out of place with the resulting image.