Think of the style template as being the universe of all the -possible- style elements that -any- SAS procedure could ask for.
So, for example, do you use PROC CALENDAR or PROC COMPARE??? They might call for or need a "Monospace" font to have the results appear correctly, and so there's a style attribute in the style template for a MONOSPACE font. For example, the style attribute "BatchFixedFont" is used by the "BATCH" style element -- and if you changed the "BatchFixedFont" to be something like Times New Roman, then when you ran PROC CALENDAR, the output wouldn't look very good at all.
If it makes you happy (and if you're not using PROC CALENDAR or PROC COMPARE -- those are the only 2 I can think of) then go ahead and change all the occurences of Courier New or Monospace to Times New Roman. I just don't normally mess with the Batch-y or Monospace fonts because if I do happen to use my new template with PROC CALENDAR or PROC COMPARE, I want the monospace look and feel of that output to be unchanged.
To explain EVERYTHING about style templates and fonts and colors took 2 or 3 chapters in my book with Lauren Haworth and Michele Burlew (Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond) -- and even then, I don't think we explained -EVERYTHING-, but we came close. That's certainly more information than I could put into a forum post. The ODS documentation on Style templates takes some reading, but it is quite thorough and there are many user-group papers, which are aimed at beginners. I happen to like these:
Tiptoe Through the Templates
SAS Style Templates: Always in Fashion
So I will let you explore the papers and documentation on your own.
As for how TitleFont versus TitleFont2 is used -- if you look down inside STYLES.DEFAULT, you will see that TitleFont2 is used for the high level TitlesandFooters style element, while TitleFont is used by the specific SystemTitle style element:
class TitlesAndFooters /
font = Fonts('TitleFont2')
backgroundcolor = colors('systitlebg')
color = colors('systitlefg');
class SystemTitle /
font = Fonts('TitleFont');
class ProcTitle /
backgroundcolor = colors('proctitlebg')
color = colors('proctitlefg');
So any style element that inherited style attributes from TitlesAndFooters element would get TitleFont2 UNLESS, as is the case with SystemTitle -- the font is overridden to use the TitleFont attribute. The ProcTitle style element, on the other hand, also inherits from TitlesandFooters style element, but it only overrides the colors and so it uses TitleFont2.
For the PDF destination, the default style template is STYLES.PRINTER -- but that template also inherits from its parent template, STYLES.DEFAULT. You could use just about any template for the Printer-family of destinations. I generally use "white background" templates -- such as STYLES.PRINTER (or any template with "printer" in the name) -- The big difference between STYLES.PRINTER and STYLES.DEFAULT is that STYLES.DEFAULT is designed for use with "relative" font sizes -- such as you use for web browsers and HTML output; whereas STYLES.PRINTER defines all the styles in point sizes.
The nice thing about SAS 9.2 and style templates is that you do not have to stress over the inheritance hierarchy -- you just have to understand about how the elements and attributes work so you can override what you want. For example, if you wanted to override the style for ProcTitle and SystemTitle directly, without worrying about inheritance, you can just do this:
class SystemTitle /
font = ("Times New Roman, Times, serif",14pt,bold italic)
class ProcTitle /
font=("Times New Roman, Times, serif",12pt,bold italic)
backgroundcolor = white
color = purple;
I hope this information gets you pointed in the right direction with style templates.