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Obsidian | Level 7


I have run into a strange issue with spanning header that I am using in PROC report.

The code below creates a dataset and using that data, it creates a report in excel using excelxp tagsets. The code and report is attached below.

data test;

infile datalines dlm=' ';

input family $ loans balance estimated loss;


CLASS_A 17 1060290.87 792859.9416 211334.9232

CLASS_B 1 64080.76 44802.41218 17165.10972

CLASS_C 82 5532596.89 3650131.294 39484.41727



ods tagsets.excelxp file='~/test.xls';

%let color = CXC2D69A;

proc report data=work.test ls=96 center missing style(header)=[background=CXDBE5F1];

column  family ('MY SPANNING HEADER' loans balance avg_bal percnt estimated loss);

define  family      / group     format= $8.         width=8  left "FAMILY"             style(column)=[background = CXDBE5F1];

define  loans       / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "LOANS"             style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  balance     / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "BALANCE"           style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  estimated   / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "ESTIMATED"         style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  avg_bal     / computed  format= best20.     width=20 right "AVG BALANCE"       style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  percnt      / computed  format= percent10.3 width=15 right "BAL (%) OF TOTAL"  style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  loss        / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "LOSS"              style(header)=[background = &color.];

compute before;

total_bal = balance.sum;


compute percnt;

percnt = balance.sum/total_bal;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute avg_bal;

avg_bal = _c3_/_c2_;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


rbreak after /


   style(summary) = {font_weight = bold

                                         font_face   = 'Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif'

                                         font_size       = 7pt

                                         background  = CXDBE5F1

                                         foreground  = black};

compute after;

family = 'TOTAL';


compute loans;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute balance;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute estimated;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute loss;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');



ods tagsets.excelxp close;


report I.png

Now I want the background of 'MY SPANNING HEADER' as green. Since this is a spanning header, I was not able to easily change the background color. So i have used a trick that was suggested in my previous posting to change the color. basically i have a dummy variable that I am using it as 'ACROSS' usage so that I can change the color in my DEFINE statement.

I got the color that I needed but The issue is when I do that - the 'avg balance' and 'bal (%) of total' is populated as missing.

Below is the new code and the report I get.

input family $ loans balance estimated loss ;


CLASS_A 17 1060290.87 792859.9416 211334.9232

CLASS_B 1 64080.76 44802.41218 17165.10972

CLASS_C 82 5532596.89 3650131.294 39484.41727



data test1;

set test;

dummy = ' ';


ods tagsets.excelxp file='~/test1.xls';

%let color = CXC2D69A;

proc report data=work.test1 ls=96 center missing style(header)=[background=CXDBE5F1];

column  family dummy,(loans balance avg_bal percnt estimated loss);

define  family      / group     format= $8.         width=8  left "FAMILY"              style(column)=[background = CXDBE5F1];

define  loans       / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "LOANS"              style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  balance     / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "BALANCE"            style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  estimated   / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "ESTIMATED"          style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  avg_bal     / computed  format= best20.     width=20 right "AVG BALANCE"        style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  percnt      / computed  format= percent10.3 width=15 right "BAL (%) OF TOTAL"   style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  loss        / sum       format= best9.      width=9  right "LOSS"               style(header)=[background = &color.];

define  dummy       / across    format= $8.         width=8  left  "MY SPANNING HEADER" style(header)=[background = &color.];

compute before;

total_bal = balance;


compute percnt;

percnt = balance/total_bal;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute avg_bal;

avg_bal = _c3_/_c2_;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


rbreak after /


   style(summary) = {font_weight = bold

                                         font_face   = 'Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif'

                                         font_size       = 7pt

                                         background  = CXDBE5F1

                                         foreground  = black};

compute after;

family = 'TOTAL';


compute loans;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute balance;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute estimated;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');


compute loss;

if _break_ = '_RBREAK_' then call define(_col_,'style','style=[background=&color.]');



ods tagsets.excelxp close;


It changed the spanning header background color but the 'avg balance' and 'bal (%) of total' is populated as missing.

report II.png

The report I would need is shown below:


Any ideas on how to accomplish this. I would appreciate your help.

Thank you,



Accepted Solutions


  When I answered your previous posting, I showed how the COMPUTE block had to change when you introduced an ACROSS item into the mix. Your COMPUTE block cannot refer to the simple column names anymore. So, you will have to refer to the variables by their absolute column number in the computation. That is why the values are missing on every row. There are tradeoffs on every thing you do in your scenario and if the cosmetics of the spanning header is so critical, then you will have to bite the bullet and switch to absolute column headers in your COMPUTE block.

  I showed this a bit in the previous code I posted. I have modified your code to show the summary line the way you want. I also got rid of options that are ignored by PROC REPORT (such as WIDTH= or LS=). In addition, ( fixed the compute blocks. Anytime you run PROC REPORT and see that a variable is "unitialized" in the LOG, this is a clue that there's something wrong with the COMPUTE block syntax. I annotated the absolute column numbers in the code below /* xxx */ is an "inline" comment just for your benefit so you could see how the changes in the COMPUTE block correspond to the absolute column number items.

  Hope this gets you back on track.


data test;
input family $ loans balance estimated loss ;
dummy = ' ';
CLASS_A 17 1060290.87 792859.9416 211334.9232
CLASS_B 1 64080.76 44802.41218 17165.10972
CLASS_C 82 5532596.89 3650131.294 39484.41727
ods tagsets.excelxp file='c:\temp\test1.xml';
%let color = CXC2D69A;
** I find it works better for me logically to arrange my DEFINE variables;
** in the same order as they appear on the COLUMN statement. Then if I;
** do have to use absolute column numbers, it is easier to figure out the;
** numbers.;
proc report data=work.test nowd center missing
column  family dummy,(loans balance avg_bal percnt estimated loss);
define  family      / group     format= $8. "FAMILY"
        style(header)=[background = CXDBE5F1]
        style(column)=[background = CXDBE5F1];
define  dummy       / across    format= $8.  "MY SPANNING HEADER"
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  loans    /*_c2_ */   / sum       format= best9.      "LOANS"            
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  balance /* _c3_ */   / sum       format= best9.      "BALANCE"          
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  avg_bal  /*_c4_*/    / computed  format= best20.     "AVG BALANCE"      
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  percnt  /*_c5_*/     / computed  format= percent10.3 "BAL (%) OF TOTAL" 
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  estimated  /*_c6_*/  / sum       format= best9.      "ESTIMATED"        
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  loss     /*_c7_*/    / sum       format= best9.      "LOSS"             
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
** Must use Absolute column numbers in these compute blocks;
** total_bal is a temporary report item, so it does not need to;
** use the absolute column number;
compute before;
total_bal = _c3_;
compute percnt;
_c5_ = _c3_/total_bal;
compute avg_bal;
_c4_ = _c3_/_c2_;
rbreak after /
   style(summary) = Header{font_weight = bold
                    font_face   = 'Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif'
                    background  = &color
                    foreground  = black};
** instead of changing the summary line for every report item, make the whole;
** summary line the color you want and then change the summary cell for FAMILY;
** to be the same color as the rest of the cells. It simplifies the code.;
compute after;
  family = 'TOTAL';
  call define('family','style',"style=[background=CXDBE5F1]");

ods tagsets.excelxp close;

View solution in original post



  When I answered your previous posting, I showed how the COMPUTE block had to change when you introduced an ACROSS item into the mix. Your COMPUTE block cannot refer to the simple column names anymore. So, you will have to refer to the variables by their absolute column number in the computation. That is why the values are missing on every row. There are tradeoffs on every thing you do in your scenario and if the cosmetics of the spanning header is so critical, then you will have to bite the bullet and switch to absolute column headers in your COMPUTE block.

  I showed this a bit in the previous code I posted. I have modified your code to show the summary line the way you want. I also got rid of options that are ignored by PROC REPORT (such as WIDTH= or LS=). In addition, ( fixed the compute blocks. Anytime you run PROC REPORT and see that a variable is "unitialized" in the LOG, this is a clue that there's something wrong with the COMPUTE block syntax. I annotated the absolute column numbers in the code below /* xxx */ is an "inline" comment just for your benefit so you could see how the changes in the COMPUTE block correspond to the absolute column number items.

  Hope this gets you back on track.


data test;
input family $ loans balance estimated loss ;
dummy = ' ';
CLASS_A 17 1060290.87 792859.9416 211334.9232
CLASS_B 1 64080.76 44802.41218 17165.10972
CLASS_C 82 5532596.89 3650131.294 39484.41727
ods tagsets.excelxp file='c:\temp\test1.xml';
%let color = CXC2D69A;
** I find it works better for me logically to arrange my DEFINE variables;
** in the same order as they appear on the COLUMN statement. Then if I;
** do have to use absolute column numbers, it is easier to figure out the;
** numbers.;
proc report data=work.test nowd center missing
column  family dummy,(loans balance avg_bal percnt estimated loss);
define  family      / group     format= $8. "FAMILY"
        style(header)=[background = CXDBE5F1]
        style(column)=[background = CXDBE5F1];
define  dummy       / across    format= $8.  "MY SPANNING HEADER"
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  loans    /*_c2_ */   / sum       format= best9.      "LOANS"            
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  balance /* _c3_ */   / sum       format= best9.      "BALANCE"          
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  avg_bal  /*_c4_*/    / computed  format= best20.     "AVG BALANCE"      
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  percnt  /*_c5_*/     / computed  format= percent10.3 "BAL (%) OF TOTAL" 
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  estimated  /*_c6_*/  / sum       format= best9.      "ESTIMATED"        
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
define  loss     /*_c7_*/    / sum       format= best9.      "LOSS"             
        style(header)=[background = &color.];
** Must use Absolute column numbers in these compute blocks;
** total_bal is a temporary report item, so it does not need to;
** use the absolute column number;
compute before;
total_bal = _c3_;
compute percnt;
_c5_ = _c3_/total_bal;
compute avg_bal;
_c4_ = _c3_/_c2_;
rbreak after /
   style(summary) = Header{font_weight = bold
                    font_face   = 'Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif'
                    background  = &color
                    foreground  = black};
** instead of changing the summary line for every report item, make the whole;
** summary line the color you want and then change the summary cell for FAMILY;
** to be the same color as the rest of the cells. It simplifies the code.;
compute after;
  family = 'TOTAL';
  call define('family','style',"style=[background=CXDBE5F1]");

ods tagsets.excelxp close;

Obsidian | Level 7

Thanks alot Cynthia. The absolute column in the compute block does the trick. I was able to use it to my actual work. It works perfectly and I learned something new. Thanks again.

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