I guess I don't understand what your style template(s) are doing. I see that you are defining 3 templates -- but you really can only use 1 template at a time in your output. Also, a style TEMPLATE reference goes on the ODS invocation -- not on the PROC REPORT statement.
For example, this is incorrect:
proc report data=shoes_summary headskip wrap style=boeing_style;
And you should be seeing a note something like this in the SAS log:
NOTE: Unable to find the "BOEING_STYLE" style element. Default style attributes will be used.
Your style template name goes on the ODS invocation statement:
ods tagsets.excelxp file='somefile.xls' style=boeing_style;
Given this confusion of usage, I'm not sure what you mean when you say that:
"manipulating the style elements seems to be problematic".
The style elements used in a PROC REPORT table are very simple -- the HEADER element, the DATA element, the BODY element, possibly the NOTECONTENTS element (if you have a LINE statement -- which you don't have). Possbly you could need to change the SystemTitle element or the ByLine style element.
Rather than rush into debugging a style template that doesn't seem to work, can you explain WHAT you need to change?? It might be easier to change the PROC REPORT syntax directly, especially if you need to perform conditional highlighting or want to change an entire row.
What you override with STYLE= syntax in PROC REPORT code are usually style ATTRIBUTES which belong to specific style ELEMENTS. For example, if I have this:
ods tagsets.excelxp file='........' style=sasweb;
proc report data=sashelp.shoes nowd
My code is overriding the HEADER element from the active style template (SASWEB). The particular style ATTRIBUTE that is being overridden is the BACKGROUND attribute (of the HEADER element). In my code snippet, I would be changing the BACKGROUND color and only the BACKGROUND color for ALL the headers on the report to GREEN. You can actually override style ELEMENTS in PROC REPORT override syntax ... but let's show another attribute example.
If I had this:
ods tagsets.excelxp file='........' style=sasweb;
proc report data=sashelp.shoes nowd;
column region product sales;
define region / style(header)={background=pink};
Then all the headers would use the color from the SASWEB style except the header for REGION, which would have a pink background.
For an example of highlighting an entire ROW, using CALL DEFINE within PROC REPORT, see this previous forum posting:
It's not clear to me how you need to override style elements using a style template or what your style element would be.
I do have a few comments on other aspects of your code. I don't understand what you are doing with your PROC MEANS -- unless you REALLY need PROC MEANS for something else. PROC REPORT can summarize data, especially since you're just getting the SUM statistic for your numeric variables.
And......options like HEADLINE, HEADSKIP, SKIP, FLOW, WRAP, WIDTH and SPACING (to name a few) are LISTING only options that have no impact on ODS destinations like HTML, PDF, RTF and/or TAGSETS.EXCELXP.
Without showing style template code, can you explain how you need to change the style of your PROC REPORT output???