Are you using any of the suboptions that normally impact the title??? Also, it depends on whether you mean the SAS title, which comes from a TITLE statement or an Excel header for printing, which comes from the PRINT_HEADER suboption.
You will have to look at the output in Print Preview mode to see the impact of the PRINT_HEADER suboption. the &L is the instruction for left-justifying the print header and the &R is the instruction for right-justifying the print header. You can read more about these and other options in the SAS log.
ods tagsets.excelxp file='c:\temp\just_title.xls' style=sasweb
options(doc='Help' embedded_titles='yes' print_header='&L String Left &R String Right' );
title 'SAS Title Centered on Table';
proc report data=sashelp.class(obs=3) nowd;
title 'SAS Title Centered on Table';
proc report data=sashelp.class(obs=3) nowd;
ods _all_ close;