This is what I see from the LISTING output:
Number Revenue
of ___________________________
Region Product stores Sales Returns
Africa Boot 12 $29,761 $769
Africa Men's Casual 4 $67,242 $2,284
Africa Men's Dress 7 $76,793 $2,433
The word Revenue is on the same "line" with the word Number. The underline is on the same "line" with the word OF and Sales and Returns are on the same line with Stores. The UNDERSCORE line spans the -entire- column for sales and the -entire- column for returns. This is a feature specific to LISTING -- certain characters are consider 'repeating' characters and they cause that character to repeat for the width of what they span.
But that's the way that the LISTING window works with PROC REPORT. ODS RTF does not use "repeat" characters. So what I see in the ODS RTF output is that the line of underscores only appears underneath word 'REVENUE'. This is an apples versus oranges kind of thing. RTF is NOT LISTING. But I do see, in the RTF file, that the cell for REVENUE spans both the cells for SALES and RETURNS.
I would be tempted to abandon the LISTING technique. Writing a physical row of underscores takes up an extra line of space and, to me, doesn't look very nice. (But that's my opinion.)
In SAS 9.2, using the bordertopcolor and bordertopwidth attributes, I can change the border of SALES and RETURNS so the output has the -appearance- of being underlined (using style=journal, so you can see the underlining effect in Print Preview mode). Otherwise, you might have to use RTF control strings in your headers to get the underlining you want. In this instance, your best bet for help would be to work with Tech Support.
ods listing close;
*using rtf destination;
ods listing close;
ods rtf file='c:\temp\temp2.rtf' style=journal;
proc report data=sashelp.shoes nowd split = '|' missing;
column region product ("Number of" stores) ("Revenue" sales returns);
define stores/'stores';
define sales/style(column)=[cellwidth=1.2 in] 'Sales'
style(header)={bordertopcolor=black bordertopwidth=2pt};
define returns/style(column)=[cellwidth=1.2 in] 'Returns'
style(header)={bordertopcolor=black bordertopwidth=2pt};
ods rtf close;
ods listing;