That is a good approach, as long as you want all the other headers to be the same color as specified in the style template you use.
However, if you try to use spanning headers and also use the OTHER specification in the format to color the headers, it is possible to "miss" a header -- as in this example, below, where the cell above NAME stays blue, while all the other cells change to the expected colors. Also, I'm not sure why it happens, but for some of the headers you might also get this warning:
WARNING: Wrong type of format for data type: $act.
proc format;
value $act 'Actual' = 'purple'
'Forecast' = 'white'
other = 'pink';
ods listing close;
ods html file='span_example2.html' style=sasweb;
proc report data=sashelp.class(obs=5) nowd
style(header)={background=$act. foreground=cx888888};
column name ('Actual' sex age) ('Forecast' height weight);
define name / display 'Name';
define sex / display;
define age / display;
define height / mean;
define weight / mean;
ods html close;