When I am trying to run this below piece of code from SAS EG, the xml file is opening with the required data
ods tagsets.excelxp file="/trnapp/sas/dev/projects/so/shovan/&rep_name._9.xml" style=printer;
proc report data=p.testing;
columns _all_;
define road_number / 'road_number' style={tagattr="format:@"};
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
But when I am trying to run this code from a stored process( The stored process contain several macros and in one of the macro contains the above code) through SAS Portal, I am able to download the file and when I am opening it it is saying "Unable to Read File". The file is getting created in the physical location and the size is only of some KBs and also when I am opening that file it is giving that error. FYI,This code is within a %do; %end clause in one of the macro from the stored process but from SAS EG i was running it without %do; %end.
Can you please help me regarding this.