As part of a larger process, I need to scan a text file for a string. To do this, I'm using a macro I found online (sorry, can't remember where). I need assistance modifying it so that the two parameters can contain special characters.
Here is the macro:
%macro CheckFileForString(FilenameAndPath=,
%local SearchResult filrf rc fid c;
%let SearchResult = 0; /* default unless the string is found */
%let filrf=srcf;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf, &FilenameAndPath));
%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&filrf));
%if &fid > 0 %then %do; /* if the file reference exists (can be opened) */
%do %while(%sysfunc(fread(&fid))=0); /* while file is still returning contents (until end) */
/* read portion of the file into the file data buffer */
/* the position of the file pointer is updated after the read */
/* operation so successive fread functions read successive file records */
%let rc=%sysfunc(fget(&fid, charvar)); /* copy characters from file data buffer into a variable */
/* blanks are are implicit delimiters */
%if %index(%superq(charvar), &SearchString) %then %do;/* test the character variable */
%let SearchResult=1; /* set the return code */
%GOTO exit;
%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf));
%mend CheckFileForString;
...and here is an example which fails. In this case, I'm scanning a config file for a specific parameter. It happens to be in XML format but that's not something I need to concern myself with....I just need to see if it has the string somewhere.
%LET FILE_LOCATION = %STR(C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Name\file.with.multiple.periods);
%IF %CheckFileForString(FilenameAndPath = &FILE_LOCATION ,
SearchString = '<parameter>value</parameter>') = 1 %THEN
do something
Any assistance would be appreciated!