SAS UE is no longer supported. You can use SAS ODA which is also using the SAS/Studio interface but instead of running SAS in a virtual machine on your computer it runs SAS on machine that SAS hosts.
To upload a file using the SAS/Studio interface you just need to click on the folder where you want to write the file and click on the UPLOAD icon. You can then browse to the file you want to upload and select it.
Once you have a sas7bdat file on the machine where SAS is running you can either use the file directly by referencing it using a quoted physical name. Or create a libref pointing to the folder where it lives and using a two level name.
So if you uploaded a file name mydata.sas7bdat to your home directory you could use either of these programs to see the content information of the dataset.
proc contents data="~/mydata.sas7bdat"; run;
libname mylib "~";
proc contents data=mylib.mydata; run;
Remember that the SAS session you are using with ODA is running on UNIX. So the name of file that is the SAS dataset must be in all lowercase letters. So not MyData.sas7bdat or mydata.SAS7BDAT, but only mydata.sas7bdat.