dear all
i have to count the frequency of the response type for each company in the data set and to prepare a separate table with company name and frequency of response type.
the sample of the data and required output is given below
The sample data
Company Name | response type |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Non-independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Non-independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Non-independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Non-independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Independent |
3M India Ltd. | Independent |
3M India Ltd. | Independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3M India Ltd. | Non-independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Non-independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Non-independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Non-independent |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | Non-independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Non-independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Non-independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Non-independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Non-independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Independent |
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. | Independent |
required output table
Company Name | total Frequency | Non-independent | Independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | 7 | 5 | 2 |
3M India Ltd. | 10 | 7 | 3 |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | 7 | 4 | 3 |
Please suggest me SAS code perform the above discussed function
thanks in advance.
data have;
infile datalines dlm="09"x;
input Company_Name:$50. response_type:$50.;
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
proc sql;
select Company_Name,count(response_type) as total,
sum(response_type='Non-independent') as Nonindependent,
sum(response_type='Independent') as Independent
from have
group by Company_Name;
Here is an approach to achieve this:
data have;
infile datalines dlm="09"x;
input Company_Name:$50. response_type:$50.;
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
/* Frequencies per Company_Name and response_type */
proc freq data=have noprint;
table response_type / out=have_stat (drop=percent);
by Company_Name;
proc transpose data=have_stat out=have_stat_tr (drop=_:);
var count;
id response_type;
by Company_Name;
/* Frequencies per Company_Name */
proc freq data=have noprint;
table Company_Name / out=have_stat_total (drop=percent rename=(count = total_Frequency));
/* Final table */
data want;
merge have_stat_total have_stat_tr;
by Company_Name;
Should you need only a report, you can use a proc tabulate for example:
proc tabulate data=have;
class Company_Name response_type;
table Company_Name, response_type all*n;
All the best,
data have;
infile datalines dlm="09"x;
input Company_Name:$50. response_type:$50.;
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3I Infotech Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3M India Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
3P Land Holdings Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Non-independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
52 Weeks Entertainment Ltd. Independent
proc sql;
select Company_Name,count(response_type) as total,
sum(response_type='Non-independent') as Nonindependent,
sum(response_type='Independent') as Independent
from have
group by Company_Name;
thank you Mr. Ksharp
the SAS code suggested by you is working excellently.
can you please provide me the code which can save the output table into a separate excel file
thanks in advance.
1) Create a table like :
proc sql;
create table want as
and using PROC EXPORT to export output into an EXCEL file.
proc export data=want outfile='c:\temp\want.xlsx' dbms=excel replace;
2) Try ODS EXCEL like:
ods excel file='c:\temp\want.xlsx' ;
proc sql;
select ..........
ods excel close;
Dear Mr. Ksharp
I tried the two alternatives as suggested by you, but they are not working.
output table is displayed in SAS,but not exported as excel file.
please suggest me a complete SAS code include the function to create the table. because i may be wrong in arranging the code properly.
thanks in advance
dear Mr. Ksharp
i also want to extent this function to get the frequency count for multiple years of data.
the new data set format is as follows. the data set consists of the observations from 2001 to 2018. Almost all the companies will be repeated in each year.
Company Name | year | response_type |
8K Miles Software Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
8K Miles Software Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
8K Miles Software Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
8K Miles Software Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
8K Miles Software Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Aarvi Encon Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Aarvi Encon Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Akar Auto Inds. Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Akar Auto Inds. Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Akar Auto Inds. Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Akar Auto Inds. Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Akar Auto Inds. Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Alang Industrial Gases Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Allied Digital Services Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Amarjothi Spinning Mills Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Amarjothi Spinning Mills Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Ansal Buildwell Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Ansal Buildwell Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Ansal Buildwell Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Ansal Buildwell Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Ansal Buildwell Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apar Industries Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apex Buildsys Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Non-independent |
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. | 2001 | Independent |
the required format the of the table is
Company Name | year | total Frequency | Non-independent | Independent |
3I Infotech Ltd. | 2001 | 7 | 5 | 2 |
3M India Ltd. | 2001 | 10 | 7 | 3 |
3P Land Holdings Ltd. | 2001 | 7 | 4 | 3 |
. | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | |
. | . | . | . | . |
please let me know how the modify the SAS code to make it suitable for the new format of the dataset.
and also, how to export the output table.
thanks in advance.
proc sql;
create table want as
select Company_Name,year,count(response_type) as total,
sum(response_type='Non-independent') as Nonindependent,
sum(response_type='Independent') as Independent
from have
group by Company_Name,year;
proc export data=want outfile="/courses/d8fb3215ba27fe300/want.xlsx" dbms=xlsx replace;
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