I want to compare 2 datasets, and obtain a 3rd dataset where all observations different between both of them are listed.
- ORB_TAB_NPKENN : first dataset; it contains the second one entirely
- ORB_TAB_2: second dataset.
- DIFF_NPKENN: dataset that has to be produced, containing all the lines that are present in ORB_TAB_NPKENN and absent in ORB_TAB_2.
I tried the following first, but I get a very weird result (it seems all variables are resetted or so). Only the names of the variables are correct.
I have no clue how I could perform the desired control.
/* TEST - comparaison ORB_TAB_NPKENN et ORB_TAB_2 */
proc compare base=orb_tab_npkenn out=diff_npkenn
How should I proceed?
Thx in advance,