Hi everyone!
I am very very new to SAS and to any statistical analysis to be honest, so I am a little be lost.
I have some data in an Excel file, that I uploaded to SAS. The problem is that the informat of many variables is not correct (some are readed as characters where they should be numeric, and vice versa). I can't seem to find which code to use to correct the informat of my variable with my imported file.
Here is the code that I have for now :
*Creation of a library;
LIBNAME memoire "/home/u63169456/Essai2";
*Importation of file;
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE = "/home/u63169456/Essai2/Copy of Données 19-02.xlsx"
DBMS = xlsx
OUT = memoire;
What code am I missing? :') I've been trying to figure it out on google, youtube, sas documentation and various books for the last couple of days. Please save me lol
Thank you very much!