I have a dataset like below.
FirmID Year Count
1001 1992 1
1001 1993 2
1001 1994 3
1001 1995 4
1001 1996 5
1001 1997 5
I would like to get the sum of the count in the previous 3 years. For example, Pre3 in 1995 is 6 (1+2+3). The result I want is below.
FirmID Year Count Pre3
1001 1992 1 .
1001 1993 2 .
1001 1994 3 .
1001 1995 4 6
1001 1996 5 9
1001 1997 5 12
I tried to use proc expand, but the sum includes the count in the same year. If I only want to include the previous 3 years, what program do I need? Thanks.
proc expand data=have out=want;
by firmID;
id Year;
Convert Count=Pre3 / transformout=(movsum 3 trimleft 2);