Hello I am running a query in SQL. I have to use multiple pass through in the Proc SQL and the code inside the SQL passthrough is the code of SQL. The issue is there are two tables from two different database.
Let me know how can I do it here
LIBNAME web_srv SQLSVR Datasrc=webservices SCHEMA=dbo USER=sasproduction
LIBNAME sqlsas SQLSVR Datasrc=WebServices SCHEMA=dbo USER=sasproduction
Below is the query in SQL
MOT.Policyno as PolicyNo,
POLS.PolicyStatus as PolicyStatus
,case when MOT.PolicyEndDate > GETDATE() then 'Y' Else 'N' end
,MOT.SMCode as SMCode
--,PR.Channel M200_Channel
--,PR.SM_Name M200_SalesManagerName
,MOT.ProductCode ProductCode
,MOT.PolicyStartDate as PolicyStartDate
,MOT.PolicyEndDate as PolicyEndDate
,MOT.AgentCode AgentCode
,MOT.BasCode BasCode
,isnull(PR.Branch_Code,substring(mot.policyno,1,4)) Branch_Code
,MOT.SumInsured SumInsured
--,PR.NET_PREMIUM M400_NetPremium
,MOT.netOD+MOT.netTP as TotalPremium
,DATEDIFF(YY,MOT.PolicyStartDate,MOT.PolicyEndDate) policyTenure
,PR.PAYMENT_MODE as PaymentMode
,null as EndorsementCnt
webservices..tbl_motor MOT with(nolock)
inner join sqlsas..CMDM_Product_Master PM WITH (nolock) on MOT.ProductCode =PM.Product_code
Now I want to run the above SQL query in pass through but pass through has single statement. I want it from two different databases in SQL..please help