How do I get rid of circles on my line graph in SGPLOT?
Show us a screen capture of this plot. Use the "Insert Photos" icon; do not attach files.
Show us your code. Copy the code as text and paste it into the window that appears when you click on the "little running man" icon.
This code for a simple line chart:
proc sgplot data=sashelp.stocks;
where stock = "IBM" and year(date)=2000;
vline date / response=close y2axis;
Does not produce circles in the graphic output:
When you post a question, it is helpful to include the code you are using so we can help diagnose the problem more effectively.
Do you have something related to MARKERS?
Or a DATTRMAP optional data set?
A Bubble Statement?
Please do not make us guess what your code is.
Copy the code involved from your SAS editor. On the forum open a text box using the </> icon that appears above the message window. Paste the code.
Here is my code.
ods graphics on;
proc sgplot data = s1 noautolegend;
reg y = LOGIT x = XXXX/
lineattrs =(color = ligr);
series y = LOGIT x = XXXXXX;
yaxis label = 'LOGIT';
xaxis lable = 'XXXXX';
ods graphics off;
It's always best to provide the information we asked for, like a screen capture of your plot. That way we don't have to guess at what you are seeing that you don't like, and possibly guess wrong (which wastes everyone's time).
Nevertheless, here is my guess.
Try the NOMARKERS option of the REG statement.
Proc SGPLOT REG statement by default includes markers for the individual points in the data. So very likely @PaigeMiller's suggestion will remove the markers.
The appearance of the markers, whether filled or open, circles, squares, diamonds or stars will depend on the ODS style and any overrides you might provide.
The Series will likely seem to connect those markers placed by REG but unless you request markers from the series plot it will not make markers.
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