One way is to use a DATA step to find the outliers (using whatever criterion you want) and then overlay those points as red markers. To do that, you should use the SERIES statement instead of the VLINE statement to draw the line. I think the following is self-explanatory, but write back if the steps are not clear:
Data have;
length zone $6;
Input zone RepDate case trend;
informat RepDate ANYDTDTE10.;
FORMAT Repdate mmddyy10.;
A 01/16/2021 1 4.3
A 01/17/2021 1 3.9
A 01/18/2021 12 3.3
A 01/19/2021 16 4.0
A 01/20/2021 2 4.4
A 01/21/2021 5 3.9
A 01/22/2021 6 6.1
data Outliers;
set Have(rename=(trend=Outlier));
if Outlier>5;
data All;
set Have Outliers;
proc sgplot data=All noautolegend;
series x=RepDate y=trend / markers lineattrs=(color=grey thickness=3 PATTERN=SHORTDASH);
scatter x=RepDate y=Outlier / markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled size=10 color=red);
refline 5 / axis=y label="Cutoff";