@lyying wrote:
Hi, I am new to SAS. I have downloaded SAS Enterprise and Miner. I would like to ask how can I access to SAS QC software?
There's no such thing as SAS Enterprise.
There's SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS Enterprise Guide
(the only 2 pieces of SAS software that have 'Enterprise' in their name).
To check what products (SAS modules) you you can use, run this little program :
%PUT &=sysvlong4;
proc setinit; run;
proc product_status; run;
/* end of program */
Is SAS/QC in the list (displayed in the LOG-screen)?
04DEC2022 (CPU A)
For SAS/QC ...
Custom version information: 15.2
... if yes, you can code and submit the SAS/QC procedures.
The SAS/QC procedures are programming only. No GUI.
Apart from the DOE (Design of Experiments) part of SAS/QC, that one has front-end application (called ADX = Analysis and Design of Experiments) :
