Im trying to deploy the SAS DI jobs using the .sh script and below is the commands used in the script,
<SASPath>/SASDataIntegrationStudioServerJARs/4.8/DeployJobs \
-host <Metadata server> -port 8561 \
-appservername SASApp \
-metarepository Foundation \
-user sasadm@saspw -password "xxxxxxx" \
-sourcedir <SASPath>/SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASCode/Jobs \
-deploytype DEPLOY \
-objects "/Shared Data/Test01" \
-servermachine <Grid Server> \
-serverport 8591 \
-batchserver "SASApp - SAS DATA Step Batch Server" \
-deploymentdir <SASPath>SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASCode/Jobs \
-serverusername <Batch ID> \
-serverpassword "<Batch Password>" \
When I try to execute the script , it throws me the error as
The application could not log on to the server "<Servermachine>:8591". The user ID "<Batch ID>" or the password is incorrect.
But I can able to login to SAS EG / DI / MC using the same user name and password but i uses the metadata server as a host to connect.
I can able to deploy the job after logging to SAS DI using the same username and password. Why the same credentials is not working for the workspace sever ( Port:8591).
Thanks in advance.