I've created a HP Forest model in SAS Enterprise Miner 14.3 and I want to use the same model to score new data set on a daily basis. The plan is to run the model in Base SAS, so I am trying to check if the code is working properly in Enterprise Guide or Base SAS. I did the testing in the DATA step in SAS EG:
data D702348.TEST_TEST_TEST;
set D702348.ML_ASK_SCORE_2;
I copied SAS Code from Score node (from Enterprise Miner) and ran it in SAS Enterprise Guide, I get several warnings and error messages:
I suppose I have to define some of the macro variables in order for my code to work, but I struggle to understand what are those variables and which of them I should define manually. This is the part of the SAS Code I struggle with:
%macro em_hpfst_score;
%if %symexist(hpfst_score_input)=0 %then %let hpfst_score_input=&em_score_output;
%if %symexist(hpfst_score_output)=0 %then %let hpfst_score_output=&em_score_output;
%if %symexist(hpfst_id_vars)=0 %then %let hpfst_id_vars = _ALL_;
%let hpvvn= %sysfunc(getoption(VALIDVARNAME));
options validvarname=V7;
proc hp4score data=&hpfst_score_input;
id &hpfst_id_vars;
%if %symexist(EM_USER_OUTMDLFILE)=0 %then %do;
score file="C:\EMiner\ML\Workspaces\EMWS6\HPDMForest\OUTMDLFILE.bin" out=&hpfst_score_output;
%else %do;
score file="&EM_USER_OUTMDLFILE" out=&hpfst_score_output;
options validvarname=&hpvvn;
data &hpfst_score_output;
set &hpfst_score_output;
I tried to set hpfst_score_input and hpfst_score_output as D702348.ML_ASK_SCORE_2 and D702348.TEST_TEST_TEST respectively, but it didnt help much. I would really love to understand the meaning of those macro variables instead of just trying something until it possibly works.
Can anyone please help me to understand what I could have missed/misunderstood?
Best regards,