I have the following proc tabulate codes
TITLE j=left "Jadual 5.1: Jumlah penduduk mengikut taraf perkahwinan, kumpulan umur, jantina dan negeri, Malaysia, 2010";
Title2 font=bold italic j=left "Table 5.1: Total population by marital status, age group, sex and state, Malaysia, 2010";
title3 j=left " ";
title4 j=left "Jumlah:Malaysia";
Title5 font=bold italic j=left "Total";
ods escapechar='^';
proc tabulate data=work.table5dot1 class AGE_GROUP GENDER Marital_status1;
var ID;
table (GENDER={LABEL=' '} ALL='Grand Total') * (AGE_GROUP={LABEL=' '}
ALL='Jumlah ^S={font_style=italic}/ Total'),
ALL='Jumlah ^S={font_style=italic}/ Total'
Marital_status1='Taraf Perkahwinan
^S={font_style=italic} / Marital status' /
Box='Jantina dan kumpulan umur ^S={font_style=italic} / Sex and age group';
keylabel N=' ';
The above codes generate the following table:
However, I need the line separator to be eliminated from the body of the table and only the headers has lines to separate the rows . The output has to be like the following image
Could anyone please help me on how to get the output as per the above image.
Thank you.