First, please provide example data in the form of data step code pasted into a text or code box opened by clicking on the </> or "running man" icon above the message box. Example:
data have;
input commodity $ Country :$10. quantity1 quantity2 quantity3;
010 ARGENTINA 2 8 3
010 ANDORRA 3 10 2
020 BELGIUM 10 6 30
020 RUSSIA 15 4 20
Second, including intermediate summary rows like your Total for commodity actually makes it harder in many respects because that row of data needs to be treated differently. So I have excluded those.
If I understand what you want this may be one way (using the above data set)
proc tabulate data=have out=example;
class commodity country;
var quantity: ;
tables commodity,
(country All='All countries'),
quantity: *(sum='Number'*f=best5. pagepctsum ='% of total')
The use of Quantity: above is a list generator and will use all the variables whose names start with quantity.
The above code creates a table for each commodity in the results window. The Out= option on the proc statement does create a data set with the summary values though it has a bit of extra info.
The Country value will be blank where where the _type_ variable is 10, which means that it is the "All countries" row.
Proc Tabulate requires a statistic for your quantity variable and Sum is the choice so the All countries row has a total. The output data set will have these in the Quantity1_sum, Quantity2_sum (continue the pattern).
The percents will be in variables named Quantity1_pctsum_10_quantity1 (the 10 is the same as the _type_ to show which total was used as the denominator).
Since you didn't provide any example of data where the % do not exceed 3 or show what you expect to create when that occurs I can't help past that.
It may be because of "delete row" rule that this might make an easier to use data set:
proc tabulate data=have out=example;
class commodity country;
var quantity: ;
tables commodity,
(country All='All countries'),
quantity1 *(sum='Number'*f=best5. pagepctsum ='% of total')
tables commodity,
(country All='All countries'),
quantity2 *(sum='Number'*f=best5. pagepctsum ='% of total')
tables commodity,
(country All='All countries'),
quantity3 *(sum='Number'*f=best5. pagepctsum ='% of total')
As each quantity variable will have a separate block of values (rows) to work with.