I'm working on SAS Studio and have an interesting problem. I am doing analysis, followed by table and graph creations. I have 2 codes set up; one for subset creation and the other for the analysis and TLG creation. Both have macros to run everything and all I have to do is change the file name and some inputs on the macro declaration for the new data set. I have 6 different outcomes split on 2 groups (hence 12 separate tables, graphs, then 6 overlaid graphs by group). I needed to add a new outcome, which gets processed as the same as before. Here is the situation: Group A works perfectly fine. Group B crashes my macro and kills all SAS Studio functionality. I essentially have to close the window down and log back in to get it working again. Besides the values being different (date bins and quantities), both group A & B are processed on the same macros. The only real difference is the file name. Thoughts?
Macro A:
creates subsets based on Outcome and Group to an Excel file.
Macro B:
reads in each Outcome/Group excel file, then calculates a cumulative time to event rate for the specified outcome and group.
*Outcomes 1-6, Groups A & B creates the proper output of tables and graphs.
*Outcome 7, Group A creates the proper output of tables and graphs.
*Outcome 7, Group B does diddly. After hitting run, it pops over to the log window, but does even show warning or flags. I cannot run another macro or process code without restarting SAS Studio.
FYI. If I decide to work without Macro B and just locally declare my macro variables and process the code "manually", then I get the desired outcome. It's just trying to do it with the macro that causes failure. I had a situation before where my macros were crashing due to the location of an apostrophe (even though it was commented out). My code worked perfectly before altering it to a macro, but once it was in the macro, it didn't like the apostrophe. Obviously that's not the exact case here.
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.