I am running SAS version 7.1 on a PC with Windows 10 Enterprise. I query using SQL in a Teradata environment. I am trying to use a function that takes an attribute that is a free form text field and then expects to return the next 15 characters after the 4th character, then TRIM the result and finds the MIN value. Finally, this function groups on 35 attributes in my select statement. This function is the last attribute in my select statements. See below.
MIN (TRIM (SUBSTR (my_string_text, 4, 71))) as My_New_Txt
Recently I made some sourcing changes in my query, but the overall select results do not change. However, when I run my query, I am getting an error,: Teradata row not delivered: Request aborted by TDWM . The error as I understand means that the environment optimizer fails as it expects the query may create more rows than expected. When I remove said function line, my program runs without any errors or performance issues; thus I think there is something in this substring function that is causing the error and I am looking for alternative.
Does anyone have any suggestions on an alternative function to use or help direct to a proper thread?