Hello Dear Community!
I am trying to create an auto-rerun mechanism by implementing some code into sasbatch script after sascommand will finish. General idea is to:
1) locate a log of sas process and an id of the flow containing current job,
2) check if the log contains particular ORA-xxxxx errors,
3) if so, then trigger jrerun class from LSF Platform Command Line Interface,
4) exit sasbatch passing $rc to LSF
The idea was implemented as:
#define used paths
if [ -n "${LSB_JOBNAME}"]; then
if [ ! -f "$out_log"]; then
touch $out_log
#get flow runtime attributes
IFS-: read -r flow_id username flow_name job_name <<< "${LSB_JOBNAME}"
#find log of the current process
log_path=$(ls -t $log_dir/*.log | xargs grep -li "job:\s*$job_name" | grep -i "/$flow_name_" | head -1)
#set path to txt file containing lines which represents ORA errors we look for
#analyse process' log line by line
while read -r line;
#if error is found in log then try to rerun flow
if grep -q "$line" $log_path; then
(nohup /path/to/rerun_script.sh $flow_id >$out_log2 2>&1) &
done < $conf_path
While rerun_script is the script which calls jrerun class after sleep command - in order to let parent script exit $rc in the meanwhile. It looks like:
sleep 10
Problem is that job is running for the all time. In LSF history I can see that jrerun was called before job exited.
Furthermore in $out_log2 I can see message:
<flow_id> has no starting or exit points.
Do anyone have an idea how I can pass return code to LSF before jrerun calling? Or maybe some simplier way to perform autorerun of SAS jobs in Platform LSF?
I am using SAS 9.4 and Platform Process Manager 9.1
Thank you for all your support,