we have a rather unusual situation.
We have a process that regularly does updates and inserts on a given data_table (which is a 7bdat file).
Our inserts fail because the batch user does not have permissions on the data_table.index .
Actual message:
ERROR: User does not have appropriate authorization level for file SAS_OUT.PON_BCS.INDEX.
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
(Bold by me)
In the past, similar errors could be fixed by giving write right on the specific table to the batch user (and it indeed makes sense that it would not work without those rights being given).
The batch user that does these updates does have R/W and even X permissions on the table SAS_OUT.PON_BCS .
I cannot find a sas_out.PON_BCS.INDEX File.
The datafile does indeed have several indizes on it, and those will be neccessary for performance.