Because INTCK counts the number of interval boundaries that are crossed, not a calculation of number of months which actually doesn't have a unique definition. Would a month be like February, 28 or 29 days or like December with 31 days? A 'month' doesn't have a standard definition so it's not a great unit of measure.
From the doc:
Returns the number of interval boundaries of a given kind that lie between two dates, times, or datetime values.
So your first record starts in Month = 8 and ends in Month = 10 which is two boundaries crossed, 9 and 10.
In your second record, Month =3and ends in Month = 4 which is a single boundary crossed.
Some references for further details:
Here's a great, but longer and in depth, reference for dates and times in SAS
@tSAS1 wrote:
I have the code below:
data want;
input mydate1 :yymmdd10. mydate2 :yymmdd10.;
format mydate1 mydate2 yymmddd10.;
2020-08-27 2020-10-22
2020-03-01 2020-04-26
data want2;
set want;
proc print;run;
which provides the dataset want2

but I don't know why I don't have same diff_months=1 for both rows, since we have the same diff_days !