Hey Guys,
in my next job I have to work with SAS Visual Analytics because of this I have created a Trial Account on SAS Viya. At the SAS Data Studio in Transformation Code (CASL Editor), I have a problem with a subquery. I have created the following query in FedSQL.
loadActionSet 'fedsql';
queryCode = 'create table "'||_dp_outputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_outputTable||'" {options replace=true}
as select ID, Stadt, Stadt_upper, Einwohner, Bundesland,
(Select sum(Einwohner) from "'||_dp_inputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_inputTable||'" as b where b.Bundesland = a.Bundesland) as Sum_Bundesland
from "'||_dp_inputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_inputTable||'" as a';
print queryCode;
ExecDirect / query=queryCode;
And i receive the following error message...
The action was not successful
ERROR: Unsupported operation in FedSQL query: Correlated subquery.
After this message I change from FedSQL to PROC SQL.
loadActionSet 'proc sql';
queryCode = 'create table "'||_dp_outputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_outputTable||'" {options replace=true}
as select ID, Stadt, Stadt_upper, Einwohner, Bundesland,
(Select sum(Einwohner) from "'||_dp_inputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_inputTable||'" as b where b.Bundesland = a.Bundesland) as Sum_Bundesland
from "'||_dp_inputCaslib||'"."'||_dp_inputTable||'" as a';
print queryCode;
ExecDirect / query=queryCode;
This is the next error message...
The action was not successful
ERROR: Load access denied for user xxx.xxx@xxx.de on action set _UNREGISTERED.
ERROR: Action set 'proc sql' was not loaded due to errors.
What do I have to do, to use subquerys in the transformation code Step in SAS Data Studio?
Regards and thank you...