This my macro cust. I need to pass multiple values for the macro variable state.
If I am calling a macro like this
%cust(dsn = Profile1, vars = Acct_ID Name Age Balance State, age_range= "18-40", state = "NY");
It is working fine.
But if I pass multiple values in state. It is throwing an error. How to resolve this. Example below.
%cust(dsn = Profile1, vars = Acct_ID Name Age Balance State, age_range= "18-40", state = "NY", "CA");
%macro cust(dsn = , vars = , age_range= , state=);
%if &state = "NY" %then
proc print data = &dsn;
var &vars;
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
title "Detail Listing of Account in &state and current date &sysdate";
title "Total Balance in &state and in age &age_range current date &sysdate";
proc sql;
select %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(&vars)),%str( ),%str(,))), sum(Balance) as Total_Balance
from &dsn
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
%else %if &state = "CA" %then
proc print data = &dsn;
var &vars;
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
title "Detail Listing of Account in &state and current date &sysdate";
title "Total Balance in &state and in age &age_range current date &sysdate";
proc sql;
select %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(&vars)),%str( ),%str(,))), sum(Balance) as Total_Balance
from &dsn
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
%else %if &state = "WA" %then
proc print data = &dsn;
var &vars;
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
title "Detail Listing of Account in &state and current date &sysdate";
title "Total_Balance in &state and in age &age_range current date &sysdate";
proc sql;
select %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(&vars)),%str( ),%str(,))), sum(Balance) as Total_Balance
from &dsn
where State = &state and Age_Range = &age_range;
%mend cust;